Transitioning to 1 nap

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by goofyjilly, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    My twins are almost 14 months old. They really only take one nap but go down for two. They sleep 10 - 12 then go down again from 3-3:45ish but don't sleep just need some down time. I was just wondering for those of you who have experience when I could try to push out their first nap to a later time? My 3 year old will be going to school in September and I have to pick him up at 11:15 a few days a week so I need to try to get these guys to work with this. Ah, logistics, ugh!! :laughing: what fun! I got to get them to stay up until 11:30.

    I can't compare them to my 3 year old, he was such a bad sleeper. The twins are much better, thankfully!

    Right now, they are just getting over a really bad cold and getting back into staying up until 10. Before they got sick, the latest I got them to stay up was 10:15 then they were losing their minds. No fun.

    Any advice would be GREAT!!

    Here is hoping they get into the swing of things by September!! oh please!!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I hope they get in the swing of things for you soon! Could you try pushing the nap back by 15 minutes each week? This week go to 10:15, the next week 10:30 and take it from possibly by September they'll be more adjusted to going down for a nap around 11:30.
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i agree with Nancy - you may just have to push it a bit even if it's outside their comfort zone. unless you have the option of having a friend or neighbor who could watch them while you pick up your older son from preschool? i know that's a pain, but it might work. GL!
  4. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Mine were actually pretty early on the 1 nap routine. Right about their birthday they started playing through their morning nap and not falling asleep until 11 or later. Before that happened we also noticed bedtime getting later and later because they didn't need the second nap. They sleep from about 12-2:30 now. When do yours wake up and go to bed? Maybe trying for a slightly later wake time would help with a later nap. How far is it to school and back? Can they take a little mini nap in the car and then a regular nap after lunch?
  5. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    The school is only 5 minutes away but you know how pick ups go, there will be a line. I am sure it will only take about 20 minutes or so. They get up about 6ish, out of bed by 6:30 am. They can stay up until 10 am then they start to lose their minds for now. They usually sleep until noonish. I put them back down at 3 and they don't really sleep but just relax for about an hour, sometimes they fall asleep about 3:45ish but that is rare. They go to bed about 6:30.

    I hope I can push it back some more by September. I dunno. We will see.

    However, this past week I don't know what is going on with them but they want to snack ALL morning. Crying for food. It has been driving me crazy. I hope it is a growth spurt and I hope it stops soon. UGH! I don't want them to get into the habit of snacking all morning. I have been trying to get them to eat more for breakfast but they won't have it. I know I can't push breakfast time to later because they are crying for food when they get up. Oh what fun!

    Well, here is to hoping things calm down some soon! I know eventually they will get into a later nap schedule, it will just be a hard couple of weeks int he beginning. UGH!!

  6. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    For mine, one day it just clicked and they weren't tired in the AM any more. Hopefully it will be like that for you! Mine get up at 7 ish and bedtime is 7:30. If we let them take an afternoon nap they will stay up later, so we sometimes still use the 2 naps if we have a late night planned. Maybe if you pushed bedtime slowly later (6:45 then 7, etc) you could get them to sleep till 7 A and then push their nap later? Mine also seem to forget about being tired momentarily if I feed them, so maybe a fun activity right at 10 followed by a snack at 10:30 to keep their minds off the nap until they get used to the new schedule. As long as you can keep them up till you leave, worst case scenario would be they cat nap in the car, you come home and have lunch, then they go back down for a normal nap.

    Good luck!
  7. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    Mine transitioned a little early too....about 13 1/2 months. I started taking them places in the am to keep them busy and occupied. We would go to the park for a walk in the stroller, the mall, grocery store, library, etc. I would give them a snack in their stroller to keep them really happy! Sometimes they would take a catnap in the car on the way home, but that never affected their afternoon nap. When we got home, we ate lunch and then played for about 15 minutes, and then off for a nap. Now they sleep from about 12:45-3:15. (They sleep from 7pm to 7 am most days)

    Hope it goes well for you!
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