transitioning out of high chairs?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Reggie95109, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. Reggie95109

    Reggie95109 Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    My 17 month olds have started really rebelling against the high chair. So, I am thinking it is probably time to move them into booster seats and place them at the table. We've had a few dry runs with them eating at the table on our laps and it has gone well. So, I am left wondering what booster seats to buy and if there are any plastic table coverings that would be helpful with cleanup/protection of our table. Could you take a moment to tell me what you do?
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have Safety 1st I believe. They are light blue and white. I hate them. I think they are cheap. But-I needed two of them, so...These were $19.99/each I believe. We got them at Target. Oh-and there are three stages to them I believe-which is why we got them in the first place! Ah well...

    In terms of the table, we don't do anything. But I do know they sell placemats that stick to the table(we tried these in restaurants when they were younger and they just pulled them off). Or you could just buy them some placemats!

    Happy eating!
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We have the same booster seats and they are ok. I got the used off craigslist. I was very suprised how well they did eating at the table. Prior to that, I would pull the chairs into the kitchen and put their food on the tray. If they did not want it, they would throw it all over the floor. Now with them at the table, they will take their plates and push them away. And I'm shocked to say my floors are clean!

    I don't have anything on our table. I'm pretty sure if I gave them mats, they would just play with them so I won't even try until they get a little older.

    The biggest issue I have now is Jake likes to push himself against the table which makes his chair slide across the floor. I did have an area rug under the table, but once they started eating at the table, I felt it was much easier to clean hardwood floors.

    I'm thinking of getting a small rug for under his chair to prevent him from sliding.

    The eating at the table was much easier than I thought so I would go for it.
  4. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We made the transition after we spent two months at my moms and the boys just ate at a little table with chairs. It is SO much easier! I got these really great seats at Walmart and took out the straps that hold them in b/c they were getting disgusting from dropped food. My boys can now climb into their chairs themselves. It's great! I sometimes use plastic placemats, but most often they get shoved across the table. Our table is really old and has been moved about 6 times, so I'm not too worried about it. It's still a lot easier than cleaning and drying the chairs and trays every day.
  5. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We bought booster recently. I have no idea what brand they are (I want to say Summer....). They are bright green foam with no tray or anything. We transitioned them a few weeks ago. Within a day or two, they refused to sit in the high chairs anymore, and now sit at the boosters for every meal. They love them, and they work well. Jack can climb into his, and Anna can buckle hers. So glad we made the transition because I was so over highchairs!

    As far as the table, we have an old, cheap, pine table, so I just don't worry about it. They stab it with forks, but it's not going to break my heart for it to get a little beat up while they learn. I just use wipes to wipe it down after the meal and then sweep up. For eating out, we buy these plastic stick-on placemats. They are supposed to be at least somewhat environmentally friendly, and of course they are convenient because they are disposable. I get them at Target.

    I'd say make the transition - it's been extremely successful and fun for us!

    ETA: Ours cost like $35-40, but that seemed to be in line with what the other foam boosters cost. They are actually two pieces - an adjustable base and then the seat, and then the straps, which I can't wait to feel confident enough to get rid of - maybe a couple months... Food does get into the strap holes, but it's no worse than the high chairs.
  6. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    We are thinking of doing the same thing. We have one safety first seat that we bought to take to restaurants when Hannah wasn't able to sit up in a restaurant high chair due to some delays (she's good now). I don't like that seat anymore, we bought it cause it was the cheapest and now the straps don't even seem to be long enough to go around either one of them. The tray was also hard to get on and off but you wouldn't need a tray. The ones that Megan recommended looked good.
    As far as the table, we have the rubber placemats that suction to the table that we use out to eat sometimes. I like them, they are pretty easy to clean too. place mat
  7. Reggie95109

    Reggie95109 Well-Known Member

    Thanks all for the suggestions -- Dh and I are looking at them now!
  8. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    I have the Fisher Price Healthy something boosters and I love them for when we are out/traveling, etc. I hated them for everyday home use though. To me it was more cleaning than the highchairs with the towel over the chairs, the area around the booster on the chair, the booster itself and the table. Maybe my kids are just messy though :) I got restaurant style high chairs from a restaurant supply store here and couldn't be happier with them. It's just the simple wooden ones that slide up to the table - they were $35. It stopped the high chair revolt and for awhile the refusal to eat!

    I'm not completely attached to my table, but I'd rather it not look horrible. So far we only use the plastic Take and Toss spoons and forks. I'm nearing the end of that being OK with the boys though so I'm interested to see other suggestions.
  9. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    We have these and I LOVE them!

    We got them for around $20 at Target. I put them on our living room floor and feed them that way at home and it's easy clean up...they work awesome when we are visiting friends and families too! Highly recommend!
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