transitioning from swings/bouncies to crib for sleep

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lovelylily, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I am curious how you moms whose babies slept in swings/bouncies managed to transition them to the crib for sleep.  And at what age?  I would appreciate any advice or stories you may have.  Right now it seems as if I may never get them into their crib.
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We moved ours to the crib around 4 months. It was not nearly as bad as we expected. It probably helped that they had been napping in cribs at daycare, but they never napped very well at daycare! At home, they slept in the bouncy seats most nights, and usually napped in the stroller (DH and I took turns taking them on marathon walks).

    Sometime around 4 months, we just decided it was time. We rocked them to sleep as usual, and put them down in their cribs instead of the bouncy seats. They did wake up a few extra times the first night or two -- we went in to soothe them -- but after that it was fine, and they went back to only waking up when they needed to eat.

    I think we did move the bouncies to their bedroom (they had been sleeping in the living room) at about 3 months, so by the time we moved them to their cribs, at least the environment was familiar. We also kept the bouncies close at hand, and would put them to sleep in their cribs in the bouncy seats if they had stuffy noses.
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    We also moved them around 4 months (adjusted) and I agree with the pp, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. When my girls were itty-bitty they always slept in their boppy newborn loungers, so when I first transitioned them I put the loungers into their crib. Then after a couple of nights we did away with the loungers and they did just fine.
  4. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    ours were sleeping in the swings/bouncers till 4 months old. at 4 months exactly we put them in their cribs. of course, we waited till they fell asleep in the bouncies first and then moved them to the cribs. we were chicken and did that till they were almost 8 months old :blush: then we FINALLY started putting them to bed awake (they STILL cry when we put them down :rolleyes: )

    nap time was another story. they napped in their bouncies till they were 5 1/2 months. but their naps were HORRIBLE, and they were whiny and cranky all day, so finally one day i put them in their cribs, they screamed for about 25 minutes then fell asleep. each day got easier. (of course, they still cry when i put them down for naps, too :pardon: but they were much happier babies once they started napping in their cribs and getting more sleep)
  5. GenandThadsMom

    GenandThadsMom Well-Known Member

    Our babies slept in swings for about two months, then we transitioned them to the crib. We put them in, read them some stories, shut of the light, and left. They did great! I was so worried they would be swing sleepers forever, but it was more my issue than theirs. GL!
  6. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Ours slept in bouncy seats for the first three weeks. We then transitioned them to the pack 'n play, where they slept together until 7 weeks. At that time, we were able to put them in the crib. I really just tried moving them when I noticed they were sleeping longer periods of time. GL.
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We went cold turkey at the end of 3 months from the carseat and swing. It wasnt pretty the first couple of nights, but I didnt really think it could get any worse then when they were newborns. I did start napping them in their cribs first.
  8. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My one was about 6 months ( a little 6 month) she was refluxy so sleeping upright was more helpful. It was no big deal to move her to the crib.
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