Transitioning from pull-ups at preschool

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by heybabalou, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. heybabalou

    heybabalou Well-Known Member

    I apologize if this has been asked before. We have been potty training our twin boys for about two months. They wear cotton training underwear or regular underwear at home except during nap and sleeptime, when they wear pull-ups. They go to preschool two half days a week. Truman is very close to being daytime trained. We recently put him in cotton training underwear and plastic covers for school, and he is doing pretty well as long as he is reminded every so often. Spencer is still in pull-ups for school. The problem is, I don't think we can PT him until we totally ditch the pull-ups, but he still isn't really recognizing when he needs to go potty and needs to be prompted as well as entertained (singing, etc.) while on the potty. He doesn't pee very often (he can go several hours!) so isn't really "learning" from his accidents the way Truman did. Should we just go for it and ditch the pull-ups at school? Would it work to put him in two layers of training underwear for school? Any ideas?
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  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I would see what your preschool recommends. I know with Ana we had to drop the pull-ups for her to be motivated to go. She just gets too busy playing and had no problem peeing in them occasionally. Once we switched to undies, she kept them dry (with reminders in the very beginning).
  3. heybabalou

    heybabalou Well-Known Member

    My boys too, they will just pee in them if they are wearing them. Good idea about asking the preschool what they recommend. I imagine it is hard to deal with non-PT kids in a preschool setting.
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Ditch the pull ups. I don't think a child can really learn to pt with them on. They are a diaper!! (my unprofessional opinion (and Dr. Phil's!)

    I don't like them and I'm TOTALLY against them!!

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