Transitioned from bottles to sippies cold turkey

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marcymiller, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I took the plunge three days ago and stopped giving them bottles, stuck to the same schedule and substituted soft spout sippies full of milk. There has been NO FUSSING because of it!! I've been very excited about that but what really worries me is my super tiny - way underweight - less than first percentile girl is down to drinking four to six ounces of milk a day or maybe even less! We've been on bottles this long to help them with calorie consumption and although she is snacking more... I'm just worried that it's not enough. Anyone else have this problem and figured out a way to solve it? Any suggestions? I wondering if I should go back to bottles!

    I've tried three different types of cups (but they are not new... they all are ones we've cycled through for water and have moved on from for whatever reason) -i'm tired. did that make sense? I THINK what is happening is this: she looks at sippy cups as a cup that she can sip from whenever thirsty all day but she thinks of bottles as something to try and finish in one sitting since we take them once they let us know they're done.
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    When we first transitioned my girls milk consumption went WAY down for a few days, and then it slowly started to come back up. Now they would drink Milk endlessly if I let them!!

    One thing to remember is that they do not get nutrients from their milk like they did with the formula. Milk is simply a dairy supplement, not a meal. They should be getting all their nourishment from the food that they are eating. Are they pretty good with eating table foods?

    My girls were preemie's, and for the longest time it felt like we were constantly trying to get calories in those kids! We chose to not transition my girls to Sippy's (and whole milk) until they were eating table foods efficiently for that very reason. That was around 15 months old for us.

    If you are concerned, you can always call your pedi and see what they have to say. Good Luck!!
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  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    The boys consumed a lot less during the transition too. Their doc said that was ok. We made sure they were getting enough dairy from other sources, yogurt was always a big hit, along with cheese.

  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The same for us, we also supplemented with other dairy products like cheese, yogurt, pudding and ice cream. They will start to drink more. Hang in there Momma!
  5. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I definitely would not give back the bottles.
    Stick with the milk, eventually she will drink more or you'll come up with creative ideas to make it more appealing to her (such as carnation instant breakfast- taste good and adds calories!).
    We also did pudding, yogurt, cheese, milkshakes etc.
  6. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    same thing here, my girls will hardly drink milk since we took away the bottle. we do cheese, yogurt, pudding, and yogurt drinks... they love the yogurt drinks.
  7. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    I'd give it a few more days & see if the amount increases. When we first went to sippies, my two didn't drink much at all (maybe 6 to 8 oz total all day). It took about a week before they finally got used to it and they started sucking down 6-8 oz at a time.
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    ITA with this; what a great way to put it!

    My guys like their milk, and I'm glad because they are also very skinny and milk has more calories than water. BUT, I also really focus on getting them high quality, calorie dense foods like whole milk yogurt, fatty fish, avocados, peanut butter, etc. because this will help them get the nutrients they need. PPs have some great suggestions about foods you can give them, and I second the idea of Carnation Instant Breakfast mix. We put this into their breakfast milk (about 1/4 of a packet each) and they really like it.
  9. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    well i stumbled upon someting that's really working for our littlest girl... there was a power outage (short one) two days ago and we didn't realize that it blew the breaker for the garage so the second fridge was off for about 36 hours before we realized and that's where we kept the girls next gallon of whole milk.... so here I am today with no whole milk for them and no way to get some until about 5:00 sooooo..... I mixed lowfat milk (only used this because there's no whole milk today) with organic drinkable yogurt (it was too thick for a sippy cup anyways) and viola.... even the littlest girl is guzzling the stuff! HURRAY!
  10. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    agree with the other twinstuffers on this thread. I believe we went through a rough first week when we transitioned, but then it got better. They don't drink it all at once like they did with their bottle since they have food now...but I leave their milk sippies out for them after breakfast and dinner for about an extra 1/2 hour or so. They usually finish 2 9oz cups...sometimes a little more depending on teh day. GL!
  11. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem. The day they turned 18 months, I thew every single bottle away. Neither of them cared but they did stop drinking milk, completely. So I switched to chocolate soy milk. They drank that for about 2 weeks and now want nothing to do with that either.
    They don't drink any milk anymore. They eat a yogurt each/per day, cheese, tofu, etc. So they get all their required dairy via food source.

    It definitely did alter their sleep though. They sleep about 10 hours instead of the 12 they slept before.

    Good job, Momma.
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