Transition to toddler bed

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twoboys3, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. twoboys3

    twoboys3 Well-Known Member

    Hi there

    I wish this wasnt happening already but my boys are crawling out of there cribs. We have toddler beds in there room so they could get use to them but now at nap time they crawl out of there crib into the toddler beds and sit and play and wont nap.. So they have been going all day w/o naps and being cranky whining tired all day they end up going right to sleep in the cribs at night. This has been happening the last two days.. I dont know what I should do .. I mean I realize its big boy bed time but I dont want to lose that wonderful nap time.. I put them in there and they just PLAY and I keep going in there and they dont take a nap.. I did this like 45 min both days.. Do I just at the least make them stay in there room for the usual nap time?
    Just wondering how other people did the transition with them in the same room..
    We do have another room but I feel bad separating them because they have been sleeping together since birth.. I was planning on waiting until they were a little older. Plus the attic door is in the extra room and we need to do soemthing about that..

    Thanks Misty
  2. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    My girls learned to jump out of their cribs on their second birthday. I was hoping to keep them in their cribs for as long as possible. Oh well. During he first few days of freedom, they did the same thing: play, jump around, destroy the room. Once the newness wore off, they were back to good naps. Don't give up. They will take naps again.
    Good luck!
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    What about crib tents so they can't get out of their cribs?

    If that isn't possible then I wouldn't put them in their cribs anymore since some people on this site had their kids break an arm or hurt themselves in other ways by crawling out (even after they have done it a couple of times). My girls were a little older but in the beginning I had to keep going into their room to get the to quiet down and stop playing. After a while I did end up seperating them for naps since I knew they still needed them and would play with each other. I had to put one in my room and the other slept in their own bed. This helped a lot with keeping naps. For at night and even nap time they were only aloud one stuffed animal and one blanket (that was their special blanket they had to sleep with) we would give one warning and then after that go in and take the stuffed animal and then if we had to go in again they lose their special blanket. If they wanted that stuff back they had to be good and quiet in their bed if they weren't they lost if for the night. I think it took a good month to get them good during the night and for day naps (but can't remember for sure how long it took, seemed like it took forever).
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    We love our crib tent! It has worked for the last 6 months with Kevin and I even had one for our PNP on vacation! It rocks! He doesn't even mind it either. I highly recommend one!
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