Training my ds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Susanna+3, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Okay potty training update....IS there something wrong with my DS????

    From 6am to 10am he didn't pee at all...finally he had an accident on the floor... but I know he didn't pee it all out... then he went from 10am to 12 noon, no peeing... finally put him in a diaper for his nap... This afternoon he was up at 3...he had pooped, and probably peed... But then from 3pm until 7:30pm, no peeing... He held it for 4 hours this morning and 4.5 this afternoon!!! We finally just put him in a diaper for bed. I tried every trick in the book...told him he'd get a special treat... put his feet in a tub of warm water... let him stand, let him sit, whatever he wanted.... I remember when I trained Emma she had this issue, but she never held it so long. She would go for maybe 2-3 hours and I thought that was ridiculous...this is truly nuts. Is there something wrong with this kid's kidneys????.... Has anyone else experienced this with potty training a ds????.... Does this mean he's ready or what???

    He is 2years and 4months... my older dd was 2yrs and 2 months when I trained her like twin dd started wanting to use the potty on her own at 18 months and was fully trained by about 22 months.

    Oh and this morning he had 6oz of straight OJ...and a bit of milk, and water.... This afternoon he was going on about 6oz of milk, lots of water, and then another 4oz or so of milk...not to mention dinner, some ice-cream..plenty of carbs and sugar to get his system going...
  2. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Do you think it could just be how his system is? Since K&K have been potty trained we have been doing a car ride that at the least takes 4 hours and the most 5 hours, sometimes we don't stop. Everyone is able to hold their urine the entire trip even with drinks in the car. Are you certain he just isn't voiding or is it possible he just has a big, durable bladder :winking0009: ?

    Kyle can go for very long periods but when he does go it tends to be alot except in the summer when it is warm and he has been sweating then he can go even longer and his voids are much less.
  3. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    try putting him on the potty backwords.. it makes them spread their legs and look down.. it will eventually come.. but i havent had the problem..
  4. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Is he just being resistant to peeing in the potty? When he's in diapers, is he dry that long?

    If that's the case, I'd put training on the back burner for a little while and then try again.
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Aaron did the same thing when I started training him about 6 or so weeks ago. It was the week before Memorial day so about three weeks shy of his third bday. He wouldn't go in the potty no matter when or how long I put him on it so I put him in underwear and resigned myself to cleaning up accidents for several days. On the second day he had success in the potty amidst the accidents and he got a handful of m&ms for it! It seemed like by the next afternoon he finally understood the sensation right before going. He had some success and accidents for another day or so. Then on the fourth or fifth day (can't remember now!) he went the entire morning without peeing at all. By the time nap rolled around, he still hadn't gone but I put a diaper on him and put him to bed. He was wet when I got him up, didn't pee all evening and was soaked overnight. The same happened for several days. He didn't have any accidents but he wouldn't go in the potty either. I try to leave it up to them to tell me if they need to go. It seems to go better when they are in control of it. They learn that it is expected of them to NOT go in the underwear. It is acceptable to go in the potty or diaper. Only a two weeks later we were no longer using a swim diaper and every trip out of the house is in underwear. That is also the reason I've waited til almost three with my three oldest so there is no doubt they are ready for the responsibility. If you think your ds is ready, go gungho for a few days and see what happens!
  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    See it's not that he won't go on the potty and that he's having accidents... he's not going at all!!! He definitely doesn't want to pee in his underwear... and then when it comes time to try potty he's not letting it go. He did finally pee this morning (in the potty...yay!) ... but again he went from 6:30am until 10am without peeing at chance that I missed it...he's in underwear and totally dry. Then again this afternoon he went from 3pm until almost 7pm, nothing... finally he had an accident, but was running to get to the he was trying. I'm perfectly fine with the kids having accidents as a part of training... I see accidents as a positive thing b/c it helps them figure out how to control that muscle... In my ds's case he's getting an aweful lot of practice holding it in...but not letting it go!! I guess I'd rather have this issue than the reverse...letting it go a bit at a time all over the house!!
  7. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    oh yeah... I did notice in the last month or so his diaper is frequently dry for long periods of time... then when it is finally wet it's loaded.... so I do think he was beginning to hold it even in diapers...Just seems a little extreme for a 2yr 4month old to only pee 3 times during the day total.

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