Toys for the sy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hsuter, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    Some family members are asking what kind of toys they should get the twins for their first birthday...any good suggestions? I tried the sy handbook but the link didnt work?
    Some things we already have that I think will last into the sy:
    the leapfrog learning table
    the push/ride on car
    baby einstein tunnel
  2. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I was going to post about this today anyway. We just got a really fun toy. It's the Fisher Price Shake n Go Ape. We got it for the girls this weekend and I was wondering if it would be worth the $11. It was! They don't fully understand it yet, but they are starting to catch on. They understand to shake it, but don't understand to put it on the floor to watch it go. DH and I sure had fun with it though. My girls are 18 months old (16 months adjusted), so it may not be something kids would use right at their first birthday, but they'd certainly grow into it. They have 2 other kinds with different animals too.
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I would not get the leap frog table at 1 to be honest... Mine liked it much better around 10 months, and barely play with them now (they knock them over and ignore them pretty much). Go figure. I'd get toys for 12 months + as opposed to toys for 6 months + at this point. The 6 months + toys I got them after 12 months barely got 2 months of use.
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Mine love the Leap Frog learning table, but they got it at 8 months or so and LOVED it then. They do still play with it now at almost 18 months but it's for a different reason, it's a favorite thing to stand on :grr:
    A couple things that mine still play with since they turned 1 are:
    The ball blower things... You put the ball in and air pops it up.
    Mega blocks (lego's)
    Ride-on toys and push toys are always a big hit here.
    Books, books, books! I can't say that enough! Mine LOVE books!! Especially the ones that have things to touch.
    drum, xylaphone, keyboard

    I'm sure you'll get a bunch of other great ideas!!

    Oh let me also add that mine LOVE things that aren't "toys", Like water bottles, spoons, milk jugs.
  5. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    We have so many toys that were DD's that I just put in their room and they LOVE them.
    They got the ball blowy thing too. That is a huge hit. Even if they aren't playing with it.
    They also have a thing that has 2 chickens and you put them at the top and press a button and they slide down a huge slide and makes noise all the way down (clucks).
    Trucks that they can push around.
    Anything that they can beat the floor with.
    I got them a hammer and drill for their bday. They both make noise. I believe Fisher Price but was not their age group. They just hit the floor with them.
    Good luck.
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine have maracas that make music and speak Spanish that they love, books(lots of them, they are a big hit here), shopping cart with plastic food, bubble lawnmower, sidewalk chalk, ride & push toys, stuffed animals. Those all seem to be big hit for our little ones. Good luck!
  7. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    They got a rocking giraffe that was a big hit for awhile. We had to put it up though because they were standing on it and rocking. The activity tables were put up for the same reason. They love their corn poppers, lawn mowers, ride on firetruck, bouncing zebra, Laugh and Learn Home (though they are about done with it), and anything that stacks - blocks, megabloks, clippos. Any type of car or truck is good too, ride on or not. We got a lot of Little People stuff for thier first birthday and while they've loved chewing on and carrying around the animals they really don't know how to play with most of it yet. They do play with the farm the most of the Little People stuff though and the DVD that came with it was worth the price of the whole farm (it was the ONLY thing they would watch for months and months). The shape sorters get a lot of use still. They also like their gloworms and stuffed animals. Wow, my kids have a lot of crap!

    Things we bought at 18 months that I wish I'd thought of at Christmas - play tent, lawnmowers, water table, pop up tunnel, shape sorter and the tool bench thing that you hammer the pieces in from one side then the other.

    Have fun!
  8. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Blocks - mega blocks and wooden alpha/number blocks are what we have so far.
    Little people stuff (we have the barn and some construction site)
    Dump truck
    wood cut puzzles
    shape sorters
    Ride on and push and pull toys
    Cars/trucks that wind up and go
    Double seater wagon
  9. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    a tent is a must!
    mine love their tent and attached tunnel!
    they play in it ALL the time!
  10. bran24

    bran24 Well-Known Member

    I agree with everything everyone has posted- I just wanted to add music. My girls love music and books. They are 16 months now and just really started to love the animal noise barn thing- where you pull down the lever and the arrow spins it lands on the animal and it says what noise it makes.

    We also just got them fake little cell phones yesterday, because they want ours so bad. the ones we got are a little old for them, but they are realistic and have a walkie talkie portion to it. The only times they put it down was during dinner and in bed.

    Welcome to the second year!
  11. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    My boys really love playing with little trucks and cars. For their birthday they received a traintrack that the cars can go down and they love it.
    They like to play with the little people farm. They also really like this boat that came with blocks. The top of the boat is a shape sorter, they can build with the blocks and the whale goes in the bath with them. They love anything they can play with in the water. We got them some stacking cups that have different shape and size holes on the bottom. They love to stack them up and knock them down, they fill them with toys and in the bath they fill them up and dump them out and love to watch the different ways the water comes out the bottom.
    The other things they really like right now are blocks, a spinning gears toy and balls that they can roll and bounce (and throw).
  12. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Mine love the Little People Farm and the Busy Ball Popper too. However, I am frequently trying to retrieve the pig or the sheep or the chicken from the Little People Farm out of the Busy Ball Popper. :lol:
  13. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    The ball popper still has a frog figurine stuck in it. One day I need to unscrew it to get it out, but we've already taken out about 10 things out of it, lol.
  14. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    I second the Busy Ball Popper!
  15. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Totally agree with the ball popper!! Mine LOVED it (still carry the balls around with them)
    Mine love puzzles, crawl thru tunnel, ride on/push toys, little people, books, fisher price doodle pads (their favorite still).
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