Toys for the 2nd yr+

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hsuter, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    The twins will be 2 in just a few short members are already asking what kinds of things they should get them for their So, what kinds of things do you guys reccomend?
    We are buying a play kitchen and I bought the step2 art easel on sale a while back and have been saving it as a 2nd gift as well.

    Is 2 too young for a trike? I was thinking those fisher price rock, roll, n ride ones?

    Any suggestions would be fantastic!

  2. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    Little People, but they kind of were done with these by 3.
    Dress up?
    Shake and go cars
    Music toys
    anything related to a show they like...Mine got into all the characters this age, Backyardigans, Diego/Dora, etc.
    I think a trike would be great, but they may not be able to pedal for a while.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I think a trike is a great idea or even a small bicycle with training wheels. My girls had just turned two when they got their first bicycle and I was amazed at how quick they got on it and rode it. They were riding like champs in only a few months.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    We finally have a real driveway (had gravel which was not condusive to bikes!)... to try out our trikes... and I think ours will get the hang of it great. we have the radio flyer sound & lights one and they are finally now at 26 mo. able to reach the pedals better... of course bike helmets will be a perfect gift to go along too!

    sounds like they will have fun with the art easel & kitchen too!

    we also got a fun little set of play-doh and they do great with that. also a friend got them some "board" games that are matching - those are fun.
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My girls got these Big Wheel tricycles shortly after they turned two, and they were a great success!! They learned how to ride them super fast, and it was easy for them to maneuver. I also like that they were super close to the ground to decrease the tip's.

    Another huge hit around here (and excellent energy burner) is the toddler trampoline. We have this one and both of them can jump and it's very stable.

    Magnatiles are Awesome and keep them busy for hours!!


    Farm Animals


    Train Set

    Toddler T-Ball Set

    Anything Toy Story in this house, is also a big deal

    Hope that helps!!
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    My kids' favorites are

    play dishes/food
    table and chairs
    the new leapfrog laptops
    kangaroo climber
    Mr Potato head
    dolls/doll stroller

    Train table and easel are great too, but that's for their Christmas list.

    Honestly my family so far has mostly given them books and some puzzles.
  7. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    We have the Fisher Price trikes you mentioned & my kids LOVE them! I'd never get a 'starter' trike without the back handle...everyone is jealous of ours! The only problem is that mine had a hard time reaching the pedals. It wasn't until just recently that they can pedal independently with no problems. But, at close to 2, no way.

    It's hard to remember exactly what mine played with a year ago, but I can tell you what they really love now, so I can encompass the 2-3 spectrum best I can!

    Little People sets (that was closer to 2.5)
    Cars/Trucks (they love the Shake & Go ones and the remote control ones)
    Purses/Bags (even the reusable shopping bags are big hits around here)
    Handy Manny tools (they LOVE to fix things around the house)
    Baby Dolls & accessories
    Play kitchen & accessories
    Train set
    Flash cards
    Wooden 24 piece puzzles (they started those closer to 2.5 too)
    Anything arts & crafts, ie crayons, markers, paints, etc
    Sandbox & toys
    Sidewalk paint
    Dress Up clothes
    Anything geared towards shows they like (Mine LOVE Toy Story, Diego, Handy Manny, etc)
    Play Doh
    Mine have the My First Leap Pad that they really like, but I don't believe they make them anymore. We got ours off EBay & they're a HUGE hit!

    Ironically, my boys' FAVORITE toys are still ride on toys that they got for their 1st birthday! They're tall for them, but they don't care...they still ride all over the house with them. I never thought they'd get such great use!

    Good luck shopping for presents...I always have so much fun!
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