Hello ladies! I'm usually over in FY, but I ran into this website Tottoos. It looks like a pretty neat product for those of us with young children. Has anybody here ordered any? My oldest is usually pretty good at staying with us, but I still worry in crowded places!
They look really cool. DC are not able to wander (yet) but I added it to my favorities page fro future reference. Thanks for the heads up!
Hmmm... call me crazy, but my girls look so much alike, that people have a difficult time telling them apart, even me! I wonder if these might be an option, for frequent times when they stay at another person's home or they go to the doctor. WHen we have their eyes checked at Hopkins, I put a G on one hand and an E on the other hand with a sharpie marker...but even permanent sharpies are gone by the afternoon. Has anyone actually used these?