tot locks

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Beth*J, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    We just installed Safety 1st Cabinet and Drawer Spring Latches and we're not at all convinced that the babies won't figure them out. If we pull hard enough on the door, we can open it. :( I looked on the website on the package and can't even find them to show you exactly which ones we got. So now I'm looking at other alternatives. Does anyone have the Safety 1st Tot Lock system? Thoughts?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have something similar to the tot locks you linked on our one cabinet and it works great.
    We also tried the first kind you linked and right now the kids have not figured it out but I fear they will soon.
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  3. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    We have the Tot Locks and they are great for keeping the boys out! We keep the locks up high so they can't get to them. They are a bit of a pain in the butt at times when you need to get something out of the cabinet but it's nice that you can unlock them when the kids aren't around or when they are older so you don't have to use the key.
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  4. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I agree with this. Ours are not that brand, but the same concept - a magnetic lock.

    I prefer the cabinets that have spring-based locks on them, but I agree that it is very hard to install them so that they won't just pop open when enough force is used.
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  5. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    We have Tot Locks and LOVE them. A++. Totally recommend them. I love that you can't even open the cabinets a millimeter without the magnet (and not just any magnet - it has to be super strong - think neomydium) so no smashing little fingers or having them pull things out of the cabinet even while it is "locked."

    There was definately a learning curve in the installation process, but once they are in they are fabulous. Learing to find and open the lock itself was also a bit of an adjustment, but before long we had the hang of it. DH was also a little apprehensive at first with the drilling into the cabinets aspect, but we plan to leave them installed forever (you can flip a lever inside and they don't lock anymore) so it wasn't a big deal. They are also a little pricey, but given that they are the only locks we will ever have to buy they were worth every penny and more. Seriously I think we have 39 of them and will probably try to figure out how to install them on a couple of drawers here before long. They have made it possible to open up almost all of the house to the kids without having to worry about them getting into things and I love that.

    Since they don't even budge the kids don't bother to try to open them or pull on them anymore.

    I do highly recommend that you ensure that you have a spare opener though for when someone forgets to put one up, or it accidentally gets dropped into the cabinet right about the time you start shutting the door. Because without a really strong magnet it is not coming opening no matter what you try. We ended up with 2 keys in our kitchen, and 1 in every other room that has locks. We also already had some large neomydium magnets that will open them as well.
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