Tooth Fairy

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by sulik110202, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    My son has two loose teeth and one appears very close to falling out. What is the tooth fairy going rate these days? I used to get a quarter, but I am guessing that won't work. Do you do anything else besides leave money? Thanks!
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Our tooth fairy brings books. It's been so great through the years, because my kids will get excited about books they might not normally be interested in. I pick them up on the clearance rack at Barnes & Noble, or at the Scholastic sales, to keep on hand. But I have also made a late night run to Walmart when I realized I didn't have one, so that's the only drawback. Some books are just fun, some more educational but they love them all. Just yesterday Sydney came and showed me her favorite storybook that the tooth fairy has brought her.
  3. 40+mom

    40+mom Well-Known Member


    Growing up, we got a silver dollar for each lost tooth (and I still have some of them!) That is what we will be doing that with our kids -- requires some advance planning to get them at the bank, however,

    The tooth fairy also writes a short note, too.

    I like the idea of the tooth fairy bringing a book, too!

  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We do a gold dollar the first tooth and quarters for the rest. The Fairy also leaves a nice note.

    To be honest- we have not had any complaints! They love quarters as much as dollars (though they know a dollar is more) in just counting them and stacking them up. They love to see how much they have $ wise. At 5/6 it is not so much the amount as the surprise and thrill of it all.
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We did $10 for the first tooth (I know, I know, a lot, but my daughter who never does anything first was the first to lose a tooth so we made a big deal).

    I am thinking either $5 or $2 for each subsequent tooth, and $2 is likely to win out.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    So far only Amy has lost a tooth (and only one), though Sarah had one very close to coming out too. (They're late bloomers on the tooth front -- almost 7!) We did $2, so I guess that will be the rate for all teeth from now on. The tooth fairy also wrote Amy a note (with my left hand ;) ), which she seemed to like even more than the money.

    As KCMichigan said, I think they might be equally happy with quarters. They just LOVE quarters.

    I refuse to give presents for lost teeth. I know people that do it, but it strikes me as a form of inflation -- similar to the way that Halloween, Mother's Day, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc. are all supposed to be gift-giving holidays now. But that's a separate rant... :ibiggrin:

    I do like the book idea, though. I make exceptions for books.
  7. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I think we started that after my oldest had already lost her first tooth. I don't remember how I came up with the idea of it, though it seems like it was in response to the fact that she had some friends who got $5 or more for a tooth and others that got a quarter, and she wanted to know why (and I didn't have an answer). So I "looked up" the toothfairy's email address and we sat at the computer together and wrote her an email... saying we thought it might be very nice to get books instead of money, and what did she think? When Sage lost her next tooth, along with a book (a fairy princess cookbook) there was also a little note from the tooth fairy saying how much she'd liked the email and that she thought it was a very nice idea. And so she's been bringing books to all my kids, ever since. On a very funny side note, my DD has known about Santa since she was 6 and read a history of him on the back page of the comics (what idiots at the newspaper thought that was a good idea?). But she told me last year that it didn't occur to her until she lost her last tooth at almost 12 that the toothfairy wasn't real. I laughed really hard when she told me that!
  8. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We do $2 which has been crazy. Thursday jazz lost one Friday Jess lost one and jazz lost another Sunday. Luckily we only have one tooth a piece loose left.
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We do $2 for the first tooth and then $1 for each tooth after that.
  10. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I have just given a bunch of lose change each time! So, the amount has differed with each tooth and I honestly don't remember any of the amounts. I believe all have been less than $2 though. My DD has enjoyed counting the money each time, so that's been an unexpected bonus!
  11. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    We did $5 and some stickers for the first tooth. We did $2 for the second, only because it was a tough one and really upset my DD. :( It was $1 after that.
  12. mommyto3girls

    mommyto3girls Well-Known Member

    We did 5 gold dollars for the first and 1 gold dollar for each after that. One year the girls were all with my mom at Disney World and one of them lost a tooth. That tooth earned her 1 Disney dollar.
  13. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We did what Chris did.. 5 gold dollars for the first tooth and one gold dollar for each one after that.
  14. MommyMelissaReturns

    MommyMelissaReturns Well-Known Member

    We did $5 for the first and $3 after. Mine know "the truth about the tooth fairy" now, so they get nothing!
  15. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    We just lost a tooth last night here. DS lost one almost two years ago when DD knocked it out of his mouth. It wasn't ready to fall out. Nice huh. This tooth was getting pretty loose. He had just commented earlier in the morning that it was getting really loose. WOuldn't you guess it DD almost knocked that one out! <_< At least this one was loose and ready to fall out.

    We give a dollar around here.

    My question is what do you do with the teeth? I stood at 10pm last night holding this little bitty baby tooth in my hand and wondering if I should stash it or throw it away. I ended up throwing it away because seriously do you need your actual baby teeth as a memory later on down the road. But, it was hard dropping it in the trash. The kids think the tooth fairy collects them.
  16. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I have a porcelain box they go in. I don't have them all as a couple have gotten lost or thrown away
  17. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have all the baby teeth still for my kids. :pardon: I have a baggie in my jewelry box (in a drawer hidden under things so they won't find them) labeled with the child's name so only their teeth are in that bag. My oldest who is almost 12 still has 1 baby tooth left to lose and it's loose now, Trevor has lost 2 so far and Emilie has not lost any yet, but has 2 that are loose.

    Not sure why I decided to keep them, it just seemed weird for them to throw them away. And actually my Mom saved all of my baby teeth too. :lol:
  18. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Apparently I was reminded (by my older son) that the tooth fairy brings a toy for the first tooth! Good thing he remember! :lol: My "almost 6 yr old" is about to lose her first tooth, so david is heading to walmart tonight to pick up a small toy for her!

    After that, it's quarters all the way! My older son did get a $2 canadian coin a couple of times, we were going to canada in just a couple of weeks so he got one then, and then when he lost one while in canada he got one.
  19. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I keep their teeth. It is a little odd, seeing the baggie of them. I have one for each of the kids with a 3"x5" card that lists where/how they lost it and when.
  20. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I saved both the teeth so far (one per kid -- Sarah just lost her first one yesterday). I just have each of them in a little tupperware with the kid's name on it. I can't imagine what I'm going to do with them, and I'm not normally one to save things (I didn't even save any infant outfits), but after all the fuss we made, it felt wrong to throw them out!

    I wonder if I could be so crafty as to sew each one into a little bag and make a Christmas ornament out of it? Then we could give the ornaments to the kids when they finally figure out that the tooth fairy is us.
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