Too soon to potty train?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Tonight during the bath. Cameron started saying "Doodoo!" and pointing to his butt. Either boy does that when he thinks he has to go, farts, or already has gone. Obviously he didn't go yet, and he had gone twice already today, so I figured he just farted a little. But, then he started pointing to the toilet and his butt and saying "Doodoo" over again. I figured, maybe he really did have to go and he wanted to try using the potty. I had been introducing them to the idea of the toilet and showing them where 'doodoo' goes. I sat him on the toilet and nothing as usual (wasn't expecting much, but I figured if he wanted to try, I'm certainly not going to stop him). Then Kiefer started saying "Doodoo." Again I thought he just wanted to sit on the toilet. They love sitting on their potty seat, so I assumed he just wanted his turn on the potty. Then he the tub. Cameron was doing a good job imitating pushing and showing me he knows how to on command, but it wasn't he who had to go. It's not unlike them to tell us when each other has gone poopy, but Cameron kept pointing to his own butt. I think next time, when either of them points to themselves and says, "Doodoo," I'm going to have to consider both of them! ACK! it'll be like inny minny miney moe, and hope I chose the one that actually has to go before he poops in the tub.

    I'm not sure I'm ready for them to be toilet training. They are only 21 months! When is a good time to start? I read it's good to start at 27 months in one of those parenting magazines, but are there signs that they are ready earlier? Should I wait even if they seem to want to use the toilet? I'm obviously in no rush, but I don't want them to be discouraged to use the toilet either.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it cannot hurt to sit them on the potty when they are saying "doodoo" and pointing to the potty. Practicing on the potty is not a bad idea at this age. I think it's different as to when each child is ready to start. My DS peed on the potty for the 1st time at 23 months and loves to sit on the potty...since then, he's gone on it about 5 times and my DD who told me that she wanted to pee in her diaper, started peeing in the potty in Feb and now solely pees in the potty...I expected her to be a little longer with you just never really know what age is the right time. Some children aren't even ready or thinking about it until 3.
    Here is a quiz about potty training that might help you determine if your boys are ready.
    Good luck with your decision!
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Nancy, I love that quiz! I took it and it seems to indicate that Nate might be ready to try. :eek: I was thinking about starting just sitting them on the potty a couple of times a day soon, and I guess it's time.

    Eliza, if your boys are expressing the need to go, then it can't hurt to try. Some kids start and then lose interest for a few months, and others potty train early. You never know until you give them the opportunity!
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I agree with Nancy and Valerie! It doesn't hurt to keep practicing and maybe you'll have early pt'ers or maybe they'll wait. I would keep it fun though :good: GL!
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