Too old for baby food?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by EricaG, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,

    My boys are 14months or 12months corrected and still eating some baby food (the stage3 stuff spagetti etc). For breakfast I give them some toast or pancake and fruit on their tray and then mix up some cereal ( nestle apple and musli or whatever) and spoon feed them that. Lunch and dinner is the same idea mix of veggies and cheese or whatever were eating on the tray and then some baby food that I spoon feed.

    The boys don't have a hard time eating the food but when they just eat the finger foods I don't feel that they are getting enough, one bit here throw some on they floor another bite then try and feed it to mommy, so in my mind if they will still take the baby food from me why not give it to them.

    They are about 21.5p and 23p so not tipping the scales or anything.

    Any advice would be appreciated

  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine went into a complete refusal of baby food and being fed quite early and at 14 months I was told they were TOO YOUNG to be eating only adult foods. You can't win with opinionated elders so don't try. Smile and nod and then do what works for you.
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PP, just smile at the person giving advice and do whatever you want. My girls still eat some baby food, mostly organic fruit purees that I mix with oatmeal in the mornings. If you want to advance your boys food skills, perhaps give them the spoon and see if they'll start feeding themselves the baby food? Maybe that would make your MIL happy!
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine were never big baby food fans, so by 10-11 months they were on all table food. I say do what is working best for you.
  5. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I don't actually remember when mine quite eating baby food. Well, I remember DS2 wouldn't eat baby food (or anything but bm from the breast) until 9 mos old, so he went straight to table food, but otherwise, I don't recall exactly.

    My youngest aren't even 6 yet and this has disappeared from my mind. Maybe your MIL's memory isn't really any better than mine? With my girls I waited a really long time (as compared to average) to let them feed themselves because I just didn't want to clean up the mess (and this was when they were eating table food; I just fed it to them). They didn't even start drinking from an open cup until they were 3. And they're fine, they eat just like regular people now even though I delayed starting them because giving them all those extra baths was just something I couldn't cope with at the time. Do what works for you. :)

    eta: clarity
  6. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    I agree do what works best for you! My little ones are going to be 3 at the end of the month. They still eat some baby food. Like the bananas, and fruits. They get those in place of pudding, and ice cream. It is good for them so I let them have it if they want it. I don't see why it will hurt anything. As long as they are getting "some" of the other foods that they need, I think it is fine to continue to give them babyfood if they want it, and or will eat it.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    QUOTE(debid @ Oct 10 2008, 08:05 AM) [snapback]1020347[/snapback]
    Mine went into a complete refusal of baby food and being fed quite early and at 14 months I was told they were TOO YOUNG to be eating only adult foods. You can't win with opinionated elders so don't try. Smile and nod and then do what works for you.

    "Smile and wave boys, smile and wave" (Madagascar!) I agree!!
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    You know your kids best. Ignore your MIL. At 14 months I kept a couple of jars of baby food in the pantry if I needed to grab something quick. They loved the spaghetti. Even now we still have baby food oatmeal in the pantry and serve that along with yogurt, fruit and cheerios for breakfast. Its easy and nutritious and they'll eat it.
  9. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    Don't you just love the unsolicited baby advice?? ;)
    At that age, my kids pretty much ate ONLY baby food.
    Every child is different and there is no rule as to when you need to stop all "baby food". My kids are 28 months old and still eat baby food fruit. It is the only fruit they will eat, so I believe it is better than no fruit at all.
    It's not a big deal. I am sure by the time they are in school they will be on the same page as everyone else, so I wouldn't worry. LOL :rolleyes: :D
  10. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    As long as they're eating nutritious food, who cares if it's baby food or not? What's the big deal?
  11. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    my girls absolutely refused to let me feed them anything from about 11 months on. I say if they'll let you, do it and get some more nutrition in them.
  12. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice ladies! MIL of course just thinks she knows best and we are going there this weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving) so I know when I pull out the baby food she'll have to say something. I think I'll just tell her if the boys are still eating baby food on there wedding days she can say I told you so! LOL

    I'll be sticking with our routine of finger foods and baby food while I still can!

    Thanks Again

  13. charlieshuman

    charlieshuman Member

    My boys too are 14 mos and I still feed them mostly baby food ( I steam froz veggies, blend, and freeze into cubes) I also blend some of our meals (like pot roast, roast chicken, etc) . I also feed them applesauce, cottage cheese, yogurt, oatmeal. But pretty much everything I give is put in blender first. I do give them some finger foods but I am so afraid of them choking that I am not quite sure what to give them. They each have 8 teeth, 4 on top, 4 on bottom. Some of the things I read that others are feeding their kids makes me wonder how far behind mine are. When they do get finger foods like cheereos, sliced cheese, etc I have to really watch them because they shove everything in their mouth at once. I have read some giving grilled cheese sandwiches or pbj or cereal bars and I just think my boys are not there yet. Maybe I am just being paranoid?
  14. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    I do give my boys grilled cheese but cut up into small pieces and they love cereal bars. Mine have 6 teeth so yours would probably be fine with 8 teeth. Just start out small and gradually get to bigger pieces. For me the big thing is they don't eat enough of these finger foods so I'm sort of supplementing with the baby food.

    When you take the plunge with the cereal bars (where I'd start, they're pretty soft) let us know

    good luck

  15. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    Mine were on all table food at 10 months. However, I would just do what makes you feel best! You need to feel good about their nutrition!
  16. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    Ask MIL how "baby food" is different from yogurt, applesauce, pudding and split pea soup? My guys are allergic to apples so we'll do other fruit purees as long as they're interested - I don't see much difference.

    And I'm totally with you on wanting to sneak in the extra calories around the edges of the finger food. Sometimes that means feeding them their finger food, sometimes spooning in yogurt or soup in between other bites. I consider it a way to interact with them during meals, and they're gradually taking over the spoon and fork when they feel like it.
  17. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Feed them what you want...then you & DH can make a game of guessing what will be the "hot issue" once they are on all table food - it's always something ;)
  18. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    I agree with the others. Do what works for you and your kids and too bad what anyone else thinks.
  19. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    My twins are 2.5 now but I still keep some baby soups in the cupboard for when Im in need of a quick healthy meal for them I dont see how it hurts.
  20. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Don't go by what your MIL says, go by your kids. Having said that, I pretty much stopped purees at 9 months. At first my boys didn't seem to eat enough finger foods but within a week or so they were amazing me! I like the broader selection you can give them when you switch to table foods. And they seemed more interested in eating. And it's easier in a way, not having to spoon feed. You can still offer apple sauce, yogurt, whatever - but you might consider offering more table foods. I did supplement with purees a bit for the first while.
  21. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are 21 months and we still keep baby food on hand for quick eating. They like to feed themselves from the jar.

    One bit of advice, on applesauce, early on, we went to straight to adult applesauce, much cheaper and as long as there is nothing added it's fine. And for yogurt, we use plain yogurt. They get yobaby, but mostly plain yogurt (cheaper, less sugar).

    Good luck, but I def. think they are fine to still be eating baby food, but i do recommend introducing table foods at every opportunity now.
  22. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    Our PED told us at 12 months that we should NOT feed them baby food anymore. She said at this age it is up to them to decide how much they want to eat and that 2tbsp. of food per day was all they needed.
  23. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    2Tbsp is all they need!!! Wow that just seems like nothing to me. My guys are on the small side to begin with.

    We just got back from MIL's and did try to give them mostly table food there but really they didn't eat to much. But it could have been all the excitement too. I always offer them table food but get in some mouthfuls of bb food at the same time. I don't want them to eat it forever and will try minimizing it in the next month or so.

    I'll keep you posted
  24. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I wish mine would still eat baby food. Nutritious and you know how much they are actually eating. My friend has a 15 month old and she still feeds her baby food. I don't see the big deal if you do. MIL can be 'special' can't they. Just do what you do.
  25. 2twins07

    2twins07 Well-Known Member

    Jars of baby food is big people food, only pureed. My boys don't seem to want it now since we started finger foods. I try to stick to the same stuff that we fed them in the jars, chicken, carrots, peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, chicken w/ veg, turkey, etc. etc. So it's basically the same as jarred food, only a lot more fun to eat. A little more messy, wish we still ate the spoon fed stuff! But let you MIL know it's all the same, so what's the difference which way they are getting it! At least, like you said, jar feedings lets you know how much they are getting, whereas, findger foods do end up all over the place! We've been doing an extra snack of a fruit n cereal or veggie n crackers each day to make up the difference of what we waste! Good luck!
  26. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I'm just jumping in here to say do what works for you and your babies, momma! :hug: My two were on baby food {about 90% of their food intake} until 17 months. :pardon: It's what they wanted, so I went with it.
  27. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Mine were on table foods around 10-11 months, no more pureed and/or jar food. Partly I agree with others, don't care what others say, on the other hand I am happy I don't have one of those children who still want to have everything pureed at age 2, 3 or 4 (and I met them personally ...). I think it's like getting rid of the bottle, the paci, the baby food ... these are all stages your child needs to go through, some are faster than others, sure, but sometimes I feel we need to challenge them a little bit, otherwise you could be stuck with it for years ... I think as a parent we need to step up sometimes and say, no more, but maybe that's just me, I am a little strict, keep moving ... and I want to be in charge, to some extent if you know what I mean ...
  28. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    As PP said- do what feels right to you & yoru Dr.

    MILs/Grandparents tend to 'forget' over the years!

    We were on baby food supplements until 2 and ha just started table foold at 11 months so no way were they on any sort of table food only! Even now I use some (prunes, bananas, etc) for recipes and add-ons to regular food. One of my DDs has texture aversions and chewing problems so in no way was baby food gone in our house for a long time! It helped put 'weight' on her since it was easier to eat than 'chewing foods' but we added/offered both to make sure she slowly transitioned.

  29. mommato3

    mommato3 Member

    DD and DS are 18 months old today and i still give them baby food sometimes, its quick and easy...i am alone with them 4 weeks at atime while DH works in Alaska, so i like easy!!!!

    QUOTE(EricaG @ Oct 10 2008, 07:01 AM) [snapback]1020339[/snapback]
    Hi Everyone,

    My boys are 14months or 12months corrected and still eating some baby food (the stage3 stuff spagetti etc). For breakfast I give them some toast or pancake and fruit on their tray and then mix up some cereal ( nestle apple and musli or whatever) and spoon feed them that. Lunch and dinner is the same idea mix of veggies and cheese or whatever were eating on the tray and then some baby food that I spoon feed.

    The boys don't have a hard time eating the food but when they just eat the finger foods I don't feel that they are getting enough, one bit here throw some on they floor another bite then try and feed it to mommy, so in my mind if they will still take the baby food from me why not give it to them.

    They are about 21.5p and 23p so not tipping the scales or anything.

    Any advice would be appreciated

  30. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I plan on keeping my babies on baby food for as long as I can- like a pp said- it's big people food just pureed. Keeping them on baby food assures me that they're getting good nutritious food. I'm not much of a cook so my desire to keep them on the baby food but be somewhat selfish, but as long as they're getting nutrition I don't think it matters if it's all mushed up and fed to them...
  31. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    My pedi said that they would stop eating it when they were ready. He was right, about 14.5 months they really wanted no more of it. :) I say tell MIL to mind her own biz and you carry on. I doubt they will be in kindergarten eating baby food. ;)
  32. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tammy Fine @ Oct 12 2008, 06:02 PM) [snapback]1023433[/snapback]
    Our PED told us at 12 months that we should NOT feed them baby food anymore. She said at this age it is up to them to decide how much they want to eat and that 2tbsp. of food per day was all they needed.

    I think you're confusing a serving size (2 Tblsp = approximately 1 toddler serving) with daily requirements. Average requirement per day for a 1-3 YO is 1300 calories. Even with whole milk providing 150 calories per cup (and I believe docs recommend not giving more than 3 cups), there is no way you'd get enough calories in them with 2 tablespoons of food.

    Yes, most toddlers will get their needs met if provided the food to do so but not all babies are self-feeding well at this age either.
  33. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I did the same thing you're doing with my kids. Even when they started eating table food, I would still give them babyfood to make sure they were eating enough. It makes perfect sense to me! I say do what you know is right for your children..
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