Too much weight gain too early on..

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Leila956, May 14, 2010.

  1. Leila956

    Leila956 Member

    So I got told by the doctor yesterday that I am having way too much weight gain. I am 26 weeks and have gained 34 lbs! (what can I say? I like to eat!) Have any of you guys gained too much weight during the begining and then cooled things down during the second half of the pregnancy? I am trying (well thinking about trying) to eat a lot better, but what works? I know the obvious things, eat better and work out.. but is there hope? I need to stop this drastic weight gain before I turn in to a blimp!
    Thanks you guys!!! :)
  2. I am going to be no help here, but I have found that I have gained much more weight in the second half then in the first. Once I gained eight pounds in two weeks, don't ask me how. I am 33 weeks now and have gained about 50 pounds (ugh, that made me sick a little to type that), but my doctor keeps assuring me that I am doing fine and not gaining too much. I don't want to be a naysayer, and maybe there is some magic trick, but I don't see how you could not gain more weight in the second half because your babies are gaining so much more weight. Plus water retention goes way up the farther you get- even my arms are retaining water now!

    My philosophy (and this is not the right one, but it might make you feel better) is to eat whatever the hell I want as long as I am also eating healthy. I feel that if I am giving my babies all the good food I can (yogurt, fruit, veggies, meat, etc.) then a little ice cream every day isn't going to hurt them. I will probably not be pregnant again, so I am taking full advantage of eating guilt-free while I can. I say live it up, but then again I'm not your doctor. Just think of all the calories you'll be burning chasing after two little ones pretty soon!
  3. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    I gained most of my weight during the second trimester. My morning sickness was gone, and we went on vacation a few times (vacation diet, yipee!). Anyway, I ended up on bed rest for the 3rd trimester, and eventually developed gest diabetes. My weight gain slowed down almost completely for a while, although I still ended up with a lot of fluid retention. The diet for GD was really strict (the focus was on protein, veggies, and carbs were almost a small side for most meals). Also, you get so big in the 3rd trimester it's harder to eat large meals. I found I needed more frequent snack size meals, or I'd get indigestion and heartburn.
    Just try to eat sensibly and be kind to yourself! Your body is doing a lot of hard work, so it needs some extra fuel.
  4. rtj

    rtj Well-Known Member

    I personally don't think that weight gain sounds extreme. I know friends who gained 60 total with one kid. I was told by a friend with twins to try and gain most of the weight in the 1st two trimesters because later on it's tough to gain with heartburn etc. I also heard you want to gain at least 24 lbs by 24 weeks to prevent PT labor and have the best chance at healthy weight for babies. Considering a 5 lb average gain 1st trimester and then 1.5-2 lbs a week after that, I don't think you're way out of range at all! Now, eating healthy is still the best thing for the babies but your body is going gain what it needs to gain. I'm balking at my 25+ lbs in 23 weeks too but I know I'm eating well and it's my body's way of gaining what it needs.
  5. Chrissy2010

    Chrissy2010 Well-Known Member

    Im up 45 pounds at just about 28 weeks!! heheh Yes you read it right!! Is that bad??lol No one seemed concerned. I was 115 pounds 5'6 before..... I think Im starting to eat less now though. Is there any concerns with gaining to much weight besides having trouble getting it off afterwards?
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I gained 13 pounds between 8 and 12 weeks with the twins. :shok: My doctor told me to slow down, but I was so ravenous all the time that it was impossible for me. As a result, after the girls were born I had to lose about 50 pounds on my own. It sucked, but I couldn't help myself when I was pregnant. I'm trying not to do the same thing again this time but I'm so hungry again. It's tough. :hug:
  7. HettyA

    HettyA Well-Known Member

    I gained about 45 lbs so far I'm 31 weeks (115lbs 5'5 prior). My doctor doesn't seem to be concerned, in fact he told me that weight gain earlier on in the pregnancy is healthy (in moderation of course). He told me it means they are getting the nutrition they need for development in the most precious stage and that you should slow down a little by 28 weeks. I've slowed down and only gain about 1-2lbs a week if that. So it seems to be mostly baby now.

    One thing you have to consider near the end is all the water weight you may have gained that will probably drop off.
  8. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    at 26 weeks I had gained 41 pounds and my OB hasnt said a thing about it. Im up 60 ish now. I havent gained much at all since 32 weeks bc I cant hardly eat now so it will slow down. I gained 55 with my singleton and she was 5 weeks early! Who cares! I love to eat too - I eat everything and Im always starving. You will lose it! I wouldnt worry about working out either.
  9. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    I have gained 60lbs at this point - hopefully I don't put much more on over the next couple of weeks! If you read Barbara Luke book When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads - she mentions to gain 24lbs by 24 weeks and like 38lbs by 30 weeks and not to exceed 60 total (don't remember the exact #'s but she breaks it down over a few key weeks). Twins supposedly do the largest % of their weight gain early and b/c the uterus just runs out of room their weight gain slows down towards the end. Although, by my u/s measurements my girls haven't slowed down and have been putting on a 1/2 lb each weeks for the past 3 u/s growth scans. It could make a larger difference based on how many prior pregnancies you've had - since your uterus has been primed for babies. I wouldn't worry too much!!
  10. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry! I gained the same amount as you have by 26 weeks and my doctors have never said anything about my weight gain- even when I gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks during the second trimester! Everything I've read says to try and gain the most during the first two trimesters because its tough gain during the third trimester. Its hard to eat then and the babies just suck up all the nutrients of what you do eat. Since 26 weeks, I've only gained 6 pounds and I was put on modified bedrest at 26 weeks, so I haven't been nearly as active as I was before (I'm a teacher, so I was on my feet all day moving around) and still my weight gain slowed down significantly once I hit the third trimester.
  11. zanetaya

    zanetaya Well-Known Member

    I am on the opposite end of the spectrum...I'm 25 weeks and have only gained 5 pounds. My doctor is not happy because of this. I try and try to gain, but just can't. The babies are growing well, so I'm not too worried. I go back tomorrow and I bet they'll put me on a nutritional diet of some kind. We'll see....
  12. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I personally think your body gains the amount of weight that it needs when pregnant. :pardon: I had gained 24 lbs by 22 weeks.
  13. chatongris

    chatongris Well-Known Member

    I am 24wks and have gained 39lbs. My ob wants me to gain 50-60lbs+ so I really think that your weight gain sounds fine. He also said gain as much as you can before the 3rd tri and don't be surprised if you dont gain more than a few lbs after 2nd tri.
  14. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    I've gained 27 pounds so far at 23 weeks. Thirteen of those pounds I've put on in the last 4 weeks since starting the nutrition plan in Dr. Barbara Luke's book. My doctors haven't said a thing. I was overweight to start with so aiming to gain 36-40 pounds during this pregnancy. If I go over that, then I'm not going to worry unless the doctors have concern. I'm eating extra protein and calories intentionally because I want to give my babies every possible chance to increase their growth - both are measuring on the small side.
  15. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I had already gained 10 lbs by the time I had my first OB appt (after being released from the RE) at 10 weeks, and I gained ~2 lbs a week pretty steadily throughout the whole rest of the pregnancy. I wound up gaining a total of 70 lbs in 33 weeks. (I wasn't over or underweight to start with.) My OB had said to "aim for" 35-45 lbs total, but as far as I was concerned, it wasn't a question of "aiming." I just needed to eat more or less constantly. If I didn't eat, I felt woozy.

    Yes, I did sort of turn into a blimp, but the perinatologist told me "If you're hungry, eat." And it did come off later, though it took several months.
  16. PaytonJane

    PaytonJane Member

    I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow and I've gained about 12-13 lbs since IVF. I was on the low side of normal before IVF. I had OHSS and was basically on bedrest and I have been working hard to eat high calorie foods in spite of the morning sickness. The pace has freaked me out but I am putting my faith in the theory that more weight gain by 20 weeks is correlated with higher birthweights and longer gestations.
  17. mikeyswife1999

    mikeyswife1999 Well-Known Member

    I was going to say the exact thing. I gained about 60 pounds with the twins and lost it all (plus some) by 4 months pp.

    ETA: My twins were 7lbs 4oz and 7lbs 2oz at 37w1d and I attribute part of it to the weight gain.
  18. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    Listen, I gained between 45lbs-85lbs with my SINGLETON babies and was never told to slow down or that I was gaining too much, thats BS. Unless you happen to be obese to begin with? Would they rather you gain nada? And your babies suffer cause of it? Doubt that. :youcandoit: And keep up the good work momma! :youcandoit: Your preggo and gaining weight is the name of the game. :drinks:
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