too much time outside?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MichelleL, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Spring has finally sprung up here!! :yahoo: Over the past week our weather has gotten tremendously better, gorgeous everyday with blue skies and highs in the 60's and 70's. Now that I'm done with the weather report...

    DH and I have been taking the girls outside every opportunity we get. You never know when the snow/sleet/rain, etc. is going to hit again. He's been outside with them in the a.m.'s for about an hour and I've taken them out in the p.m. for 1.5-2 hours or more. They didn't start walking until mid-October, so we never had them outside in the fall walking around so this is a brand new world to them.

    Do you think we could have them outside too much?! I noticed the past couple of days they are getting miserable again and a little lazy, almost needing some down time. I feel bad if I don't take them out but then again, I don't want to be in meltdown central like I was tonight. :rolleyes:
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm not really sure. We have had the kids out a LOT, too. Liam's nap schedule has been off for a couple of days, but he is still taking them. And going down at night okay. He has been out for 4 or more hours the last few days. Maybe something else is making them cranky?

    I like your retro avatar!
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    We've been outside ALOT too. Darn winter!! <_< I have noticed that if we stay out all day long they are SO tired that they can barely eat or "calm down" for the night, so I've been bringing them in about 20 minutes before dinner to chill out in the family room and watch tv or just play inside. They seem to like this, eventhough they are crying while I am dragging them in. :rolleyes: I hope there isn't a limit on outside time. :unsure: I'm sure once it's 110 outside with 100% humidity we won't be out nearly as much.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Are you saying that you think them being outside a lot is making them cranky?

    I know my 2 (well 3) LOVE being outside. We try and go out a lot when it's nice, especially now, because it is way too hot and humid in the summer to do it. I personally don't think there is such a thing as too much outside time. :pardon: Keeps mine entertained.
  5. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I know exactly what you are talking about. Mine are the same way so I've been doing like Liz and bringing them inside about a 30-45 min before dinner to wind down. I let them watch a show while I make dinner. I've also been limiting morning outside time to a little over an hour, but I make sure they're in at least 45 min before naptime to calm down then too.
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Mine are sleeping well during nap and at night. I also take them in a little bit before dinner to wind down.

    I guess I'm thinking it's just too much stimulation to them. They have always been the babies that required down time when they got overstimulated and I feel this is how they are acting now. I have been taking them to different parks, the farm to pet animals, all sorts of "new" places to them.

    I just wasn't sure if anyone else had gone through this.
  7. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Stacy @ Apr 20 2008, 10:27 PM) [snapback]730805[/snapback]
    I know exactly what you are talking about. Mine are the same way so I've been doing like Liz and bringing them inside about a 30-45 min before dinner to wind down. I let them watch a show while I make dinner. I've also been limiting morning outside time to a little over an hour, but I make sure they're in at least 45 min before naptime to calm down then too.

    We were posting at the same time. Whew! I was beginning to think I was the only one!! :laughing:

    Ya know, bringing them in for a while before nap might help too.

    eta: They do absolutely love being out there. All I have to do is go and get their shoes and they are ready to bolt. It's so cute!
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Apr 20 2008, 10:29 PM) [snapback]730809[/snapback]
    I just wasn't sure if anyone else had gone through this.

    The only time I remember them having a "reaction" to too much new stuff is when we went to Serbia. They were up close {well, not that close ;) } with lots of animals and tractors and just new things. Night time was HORRIBLE for us! It was like all the things they saw was just too much for them and their little brains couldn't process it. :huh: I hope this is coming out right? But I think I know what you are saying. :pardon:
  9. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    My guys are VERY much the routine kids so anything out of the norm messes with them, so I only plan something new like every other day and let them have a "down" day in between. The park alone in the morning is something new for us, so I only did it every other day last week and I'm going to try Mon and Tues and see how they're doing Wed. Maybe they just need a recharge day?
  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TwinLove @ Apr 20 2008, 10:32 PM) [snapback]730818[/snapback]
    The only time I remember them having a "reaction" to too much new stuff is when we went to Serbia. They were up close {well, not that close ;) } with lots of animals and tractors and just new things. Night time was HORRIBLE for us! It was like all the things they saw was just too much for them and their little brains couldn't process it. :huh: I hope this is coming out right? But I think I know what you are saying. :pardon:

    YES!! What you are describing is exactly how they seem to be.

    QUOTE(Stacy @ Apr 20 2008, 10:34 PM) [snapback]730822[/snapback]
    My guys are VERY much the routine kids so anything out of the norm messes with them, so I only plan something new like every other day and let them have a "down" day in between. The park alone in the morning is something new for us, so I only did it every other day last week and I'm going to try Mon and Tues and see how they're doing Wed. Maybe they just need a recharge day?

    This makes perfect sense. I think I'll pull out their outside toys (daddy can rake the yard around them, I'm tired of waiting) and stick around the house more days than not.

    See, in New England we're just not used to a huge stretch of nice days like this. I should be careful or we're going to be cursed with a week of rain!!
  11. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Michelle, we've been doing a lot of just around the house stuff. We were out last Thursday and Friday and then when Doug thought it would be nice to let them stay up "just a little later" on Friday night....meltdowns, craziness, etc.

    We have also had days where we just went for a long walk to enjoy the weather. I load them all in the triple and we go. The twins just kind of point things out and we play "find the flowers, the flags, whatever" and Liam sits back and relaxes the whole time.
  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    So it sounds like I just need to stick to the old schedule more often than not, and not overload them with new things more than twice a week perhaps.

    THANKS so much for the advice. It makes sense now that you all helped me play it out and see where the problems were coming from.


    I'm open to more though...keep it comin' so I know I'm not :crazy:
  13. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    We are outside all year, even when it is cold outside. When mine are out for a long time and are really moving, they do sleep more and eat a little more....but, that is about it! When mine get cranky, I know they are tired and are ready to sleep. I listen to their cues - and, when they whine - they need a nap. Make sure they are getting good, a good nap, lots of water, and are eating enough. HAVE FUN!!
  14. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Apr 20 2008, 07:46 PM) [snapback]730841[/snapback]
    I'm open to more though...keep it comin' so I know I'm not :crazy:

    Just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Ours love being outside, but it's definite overstimulation for them and they get exhausted, overtired, and everything that comes along with it, very quickly! They are so into all the details that I do think they are just tired from trying to process it all. If we go to the park, mine want to study every face, every piece of playground equipment, every tree, every bird, etc., and I'm sure that's exhausting!

    It's still yucky here (drove to work on snowy roads this morning :mad: ), but I think our plan for when it gets nice is to limit the new things to maybe one a week, but keep repeating them once they're introduced so the boys get used to them. Like, go play outside on the little climber we are getting the first week. Then be sure to do that at least every few days so they don't see it as a new thing every time. Then the second week, go to the pool (and again, do that regularly so they get used to it).

    I'm hoping by next year, outside play will just be fun and not work (for us and them!).

    ETA: To put into perspective how far they've come already, last summer when we first used the kiddie pool in our yard, they fell asleep in our arms on the way into the house at 3:30 pm and didn't wake up until the next morning at 7 am!!!! I even tried to wake them up for dinner, but they weren't interested. Being outside, and doing new things, just takes it out of them.
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