Too much fluid in a kidney at 18 weeks ultrasound?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by monica77, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I am so glad since I discovered this website, I found out a lot of useful information about twins, and I am so thankful to everyone who shares their experiences here. I am pregnant with twins, this is my first pregnancy. We are very excited, but also a bit scared.The twins were conceived with IVF so of course, one extra reason to be a bit worried about the whole thing.

    Today we had our 18 weeks ultrasound at a prenatal screening clinic and we found out that our twins are a boy and a girl. We are so happy, we would have been happy either way, but we were hoping to have one of each so we are so happy and excited.

    The one problem is that the baby boy seemed as if there was too much fluid in the one kidney. Did anyone else have this during their ultrasound and if so what happened after the baby was born? They just told me that they want to see me back in 5 weeks and it shouldn't be a big problem, but of course, I worry. I looked online, and I did some reasearch, I don't know what to believe. Should I worry about it or just wait and see what happens (easier said than done)? The dr said that anything above 4 mm was too high, and it measured 3.8 mm once and 4 mm 20 min later... So that is on the high side, they say. They want to measure it again in 5 weeks. They were measuring the diameter of the kidney, I think. He said it happens at boys. Everything else looked great.

    I try not to think about it too much, I know there's nothing I can do about it, I just want to see what you ladies think.

    Thanks in advance for your help,

  2. kerina313

    kerina313 Well-Known Member

    Sorry I don't have any experience with extra fluid in the kidneys. I do however have a child that was born with cystic kidneys and now one of my twins is producing a lot of fluid. I would wait and see, meantime, maybe cut back on the carbs/sugar intake and see if that helps. My peri told me that sugar that we intake is actually one thing that goes through the placenta and can make the babies pee more and have more fluid.

    Good luck and keep us posted on what they find out.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :Clap: Congratulations on your boy and girl! :Clap:

    :hug: I'm sorry you have to worry about this. :hug: My suggestion would be to not look up anything online (as hard as that may be) and try not to worry. That said, I know it's not easy to not worry. I didn't have this issue, but my two both had cysts on their brains. I cried alot and worried and did look online, which I found to be the biggest mistake I did. :blush: It gave me alot of anxiety and had I listened to my doctor and just waited, I could have saved myself from some stress. For us it ended up that the cysts went away on their own. :good: I'm hoping you have the same outcome and at your next visit they see things are going well. :hug: Keep us posted.
  4. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Both my sons (singleton and boy half of b/g twins) had this. It resolved on its own around 28-32 weeks and never had to do any other testing once they were born. Try not to worry and don't research it any more!!
    My docs said it is much more likely found in boys and believed to be a reaction to the mom's hormones, but usually not indictative of any problems.
    Good luck.
  5. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member


    I know you are all right, and I shouldn't stress about it too much, but you know, it's human nature, plus all the hormones :). I hope and pray this kidney thing will go away by itself later on in the pregnancy, like Nancy said, I read of other cases when it happens that way also. Kerina, I hope it happens that way for you also.

    Thanks for all your replies and your well wishes, it made me feel better to read them. We are very excited about having a boy and a girl!!! If only we can agree on the same names now :).
  6. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    We were told the same about Baby B, but all was resolved by week 32 (I think it was?).

    Our Peri said that they don't worry about it at all until the babies are over week 32 (if the measurement is too big at that time). Hard to do, not worry. I went home and searched what could be wrong, which just scared me :)

    Congratulations on having a boy & girl! Good luck on the names, it took us until just a few days ago to agree, lol.
  7. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My oldest son had this issue at 18 week sono but it was all better by the next sono. I too freaked out, read everything possible about it but it was all fine!! They told me it was soo common to find (especially in boys).

    Good luck and congrats!
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