Too much amniotic fluid?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by azmami, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. azmami

    azmami Active Member

    Hi Everyone~

    I have been being monitored weekly with my peri for having too much amniotic fluid in both of the boys sacs. So far my levels are still on the higher end. I have read up on this and it doesn't make me feel any better, i just worry. :(

    Maybe some of you can let me know about your stories good or bad........ :blink:

    By the way I am 27 weeks

    Thanks Ariane
  2. Mrs. Johnny

    Mrs. Johnny Well-Known Member

    Are they identical twins?? I have identical twin girls and one has a little more fluid than the other. So, a little
    different than your situation. They are watching me too every week. It's scary, I know! Every Thursday I go
    to the Peri and I get nervous every time. I have a mild case of TTTS. Is this what your peri said?

    I'm trying my best to rest more and I've been drinking more protein shakes.

  3. azmami

    azmami Active Member

    They are fraternal twins. My peri hasn't really told me much which makes me nervous. I am going into my wednesday appt with a lot more questions regarding this.

    Did they tell you that drinking protein shakes would help. I don't currently drink them.....
  4. ~ Sandy ~

    ~ Sandy ~ Well-Known Member

    With my singleton I had about double the normal amount of amniotic fluid. They induced me, 12 days early, b/c of it. Dr. had to break my water in a controlled fashion so as to ensure it was safe for baby. Other than that I don't know too much about it. I think it is good they are monitoring you and will do everything necessary to make sure babies are good.
  5. jkendall

    jkendall Well-Known Member

    I don't have any experience with this, but I had a friend that had gestational diabetes and had that same problem...Have you been tested yet for gestational diabetes? That could be one cause. I know there are other things that are scarier that can cause it too, but I would think that those would have already been picked up on the 18 week ultrasound. I think that it is good that you are being monitored weekly so at least they are keeping a close eye on things for you. Try to stay positive (I know it is hard). I am hoping that everything turns out well for you.
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