Too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Lisa M. Quevillon, Jan 12, 2007.

    I was just told that Baby A as have too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios), and Baby B is normal to low. I am 31 weeks pregnate. Does anyone else had this? What happen? This worry me a lot. I am not shure what will happen. Please HELP!!
  1. I was just told that Baby A as have too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios), and Baby B is normal to low. I am 31 weeks pregnate. Does anyone else had this? What happen? This worry me a lot. I am not shure what will happen. Please HELP!!
  2. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    Yes, I had too much amniotic fluid with Ian at an earlier stage of my pregnancy. Gosh I can't remember what PTL meds I was using, but he increased the doage for 2 weeks to get the levels to reduce to normal levels and it worked.
  3. Mommy2PJ

    Mommy2PJ Well-Known Member

    I had polyhydramnios with my son, and in his case it was idiopathic.. they never found a reason for it. I just got huge and really uncomfortable!

    This time, I also have a lot of fluid. Do you know if you only have one placenta? Because too much fluid for one baby and not enough for the other can mean Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. I don't want to scare you, just make sure your doctor is on top of it and watching for that, particularly if your babies are sharing a placenta!

    I was diagnosed with TTTS at one point, but it has since resolved itself. My babies now both have on the high side of fluid... both around 7cm for the deepest pocket of fluid, and they don't think there's any reason for it.
  4. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    The OB says I'm borderline polyhydramniotic with both babies right now. They're in separate placentas, so they aren't really worried about TTTS. But it was brought up in the conversation as something to keep an eye on.

    There's no medical reason for me to have it. In fact, they think it may just be how I make babies. I only had one or two U/S with my DD and never had an U/S with my DS at all. But apparently, polyhydraminos can cause excessive bleeding after delivery...and I had that with both of them. So, they suspect I may have been polyhydramniotic then too and just didn't know it.

    I have another growth scan next week and we'll see if things have changed any then.

    There's some pretty good info about it on the March of Dimes site if you want to read up.

  5. Thanks
    I have two placenta, so we are not thinking of TTTS. I am due March 10 but doctors think that he is going to make me have them before week 36.
    I am just a bit nervous about what's going to happen.
  6. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    I would be a little nervous too, well I was with Ian. But it resolved it self with my meds. Again, I was a lot earlier in my pregnancy than you are now.
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