Too Fast! (and an introduction)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, May 24, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'll introduce myself since I haven't been on this board yet (but soon I will be). I feel like I already have 2 year olds so why not join in! My name is Eliza, wife to Jason, and my twin boys were born 6/24/08. Their names are Cameron Frank and Kiefer Charles. Their middle names came from their grandfathers and their first names are unique to our families. I had them through IVF and they are my two little miracles! I can't believe it's been 2 years! They really do grow up fast! They both are about 30 lbs. Kiefer is a little heavier since he's taller. He was the shorter of the two when born so he definitely caught up! They are also about 32" tall, probably taller by now. They are going to be just like their father! TALL!!! They are already wearing age 4-5 socks and outgrowing their size 7 shoes!

    A few weeks ago, Kiefer has decided he wanted to sleep in his own twin bed. He doesn't want to be in his toddler bed/crib. He sleeps so well in his twin bed so I didn't complain. Then Cameron saw Kiefer sleeping on his twin bed. Cameron has one too (when we moved, we didn't have anywhere else to put the twin beds form the guest rooms owe put them in the boys' rooms for future use without the frames of course), and so he decided he too wanted to sleep in his twin bed. He normally rolls all over the place, so I was a bit concerned with him on the twins without the guards. He insisted and it's not far off the ground without the bed frames, so I knew he wouldn't hurt himself. He loved it and he didn't roll about like he does in his toddler bed/crib! He even naps in there better than the toddler bed/crib!

    I can't believe it! Kiefer switched to his big boys bed at 22 months and Cameron at 23 months (well almost, they are 23 months today and Cameron switched to that bed about three days ago). This certainly makes things easier when we go traveling. We are already planning on visiting my brother for Christmas and my husband's family in the fall. This will be their first time on a plane and outside of NC. Overwhelming for us and we don't even have tickets yet!

    Well, I look forward to learning more about raising 2-4 years olds! There looks like a tons of information here and some familiar faces from the 2nd year forum.
  2. ejradcliffe

    ejradcliffe Well-Known Member

    You don't know how lucky you are to have such an easy transition to the big beds! I had such a rough time with my older two that I am hoping my twins stay in their cribs til they're 4.... ;)
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I was going to say the same thing... I switched from cribs to toddler beds last Wed. and I am going crazy! I see the light at the end of the tunnel.... but getting them to settle down each nap & night time is semi-stressful... I'm happy you've had a great time of it!

    welcome! ours just turned two at the end of last month... it is crazy that two years has gone!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to the 2-4 forum, Eliza! Glad the boys did great with transitioning to their big boy beds!
  5. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    Size 7 shoes??? My smaller boy is wearing size 5 at 2 years, 7 months. The sneakers will wear out before he outgrows them.
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