too-early wakeup

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by fuchsiagroan, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    The babies have been waking up earlier and earlier over the last week or two - 6:30, 6, 5:30... They obviously weren't rested, totally cranky and fussy, so we've been doing early am CIO. (Gradually - at first, picking up, changing diapers, & putting back down, but moving toward just letting them work it out on their own.)

    And finally, SUCCESS! This morning they both fussed/cried around 6 for ~10 min, then slept in until almost 7:30! WHOOHOO! :banana: And they were just insanely happy when they got up - giggling and grinning ear to ear. FINALLY they got the sleep they needed.

    Posting this not only because I'm relieved, but also because there have been so many posts lately about too-early risers - there is hope!

    (Now just watch, I've probably jinxed everything and they'll be up at 5:30 all week or something... :rolleyes: )
  2. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Hooray! I'm having the same issue right now. They're waking at 4:30 but I've been a sucker...I nurse them back down. I plan on starting a little CIO next week.
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Gotta love that CIO. It works if you work it!!!
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    They're waking at 4:30 but I've been a sucker...I nurse them back down.

    I was nursing them back down too - but then it stopped working! :eek: They'd just stay awake and fuss anyway. So we had to bring out the nuclear option. <_<
  5. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    Oh I'm so jealous! My dd is like clockwork this past few weeks waking up at 5:30. I cannot get her to go back down. Nursing doesn't work, CIO hasn't worked (it just wakes the other 2 kids up--UGH!!) so I have no CLUE what to do! She is so crazy cranky it's making our whole morning so hard. I'm so happy you're getting more sleep though Holly. Excellent news! Now send those sleeping-in-vibes my way!!

  6. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Mine have been nursing back to sleep at 6am until 9!!! But we are going to start weaning and then I know we will have to CIO again... ugh... for now i am just glad they are going BACK to sleep in the early AM!
  7. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(7Ms @ Jan 21 2008, 05:15 AM) [snapback]581872[/snapback]
    Mine have been nursing back to sleep at 6am until 9!!! But we are going to start weaning and then I know we will have to CIO again... ugh... for now i am just glad they are going BACK to sleep in the early AM!

    Until 9 ???!!!!! Are you kidding me? Oh I am soooo jealous of that. Enjoy!

  8. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

  9. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    My girls have been the opposite, they have been going from 4.30 to 5 to 6 and now till about 7. But it is because the season is changing and it is starting to get lighter later now. They are like sun chasers.. Thank goodness, i cant wait for the winter here when the sun only rise at about 8am.. But i am glad that it works for you ladies and that you get more sleep.
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