Tongue Tied Questions

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by DBist, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. DBist

    DBist New Member

    Anyone have any children that were tongue tied and had to go through the surgery to get it clipped???

    If so, did you have any problems with speech before you had it clipped? And if you did, how long after it was clipped did you notice a difference in the speech?

    One of my twins is minor tongue tied. She is 2 1/2 and still not talking. She is in speech therapy and will go in for the clip on August 16. But I just wanted to hear about others if anyone has been through this.

  2. DBist

    DBist New Member

    testing on my own post
  3. Rachel&Emily

    Rachel&Emily Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I haven't heard of anything like that. I wish you guys luck with it though!
  4. blessedw2

    blessedw2 Well-Known Member

    My son is tongue tied but we never got it clipped. I think about it all the time but have not done it, it does not effect his speach though. Good luck and I hope you get some responses on here.
  5. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    I am an SLP and I've had a few clients who have gotten their frenulum clipped. Their parents have reported that it wasn't a big deal. My client's speech improved almost immediately since there was so much more range of motion with the tongue. GOOD LUCK!
  6. DBist

    DBist New Member

    ahhhh thank you for all your help. i am hoping it makes some sort of a difference. i am really hoping that the fits will come to some sort of hault when she can start talking.

    any more experiences would be great if possible! just to get an idea of what kind of experience you have had!

    thanks so much in advance to all who reply and to all who have replied!!!

  7. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Jason was tongue tied at birth. We couldn't get anyone to clip it. They said we had to wait to see if it affected his speech. At his 3 year visit, we finally got the ok to have it done. His speech is better, but his brother's is still a little better than his. They do have to be put under at their age & that was the scariest part for me. He was perscribed pain meds after, but never needed anything more than a little tylenol. Good luck. We had to go to an ENT to have it done.
  8. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I have 2 kids of 5 who are tongue tied. Tanner was 3 1/2 when I finally took him to a speech therapist (I was procastinaing) and that is when they told me he was moderately to severly tongue tied. Never realized it before then. The Ped said if he had trouble nursing she would have dealt with it earlier but he nursed great! They told me to start him in Speech therapy to see how he improved before we tried clipping the fenedulum under the tongue. He is 6 now with great speech, they just dismissed him from therapy at the end of kindergarten. Our ST always said wait on tongue clipping, try ST first.

    Well then I had the twins. Steven was severaly tongue tied. He did have trouble nursing, staying latched on. No one at the hospital could really help me, I asked. The Hospital ped (they made you use the in house PED!!) was not sure what to do, would need to talk to a Ped ENT, YA da Ya da, the run around! I called our personal Ped and she said bring him in to the office it was a simple procedure she could do. unforunately we had to wait a week because we did not get released befroe the Ped went on Spring break vacation. So when Steven was 2 weeks old he had his fenedulum clipped, just a little novacaine and holding him was hard the mouth was such a small area to work in. Right after I nursed him, he nursed great!! the Ped said the breast milk would help with healing the anitbioties and all. It stopped bleeding right away and he has never had any problems. He is only 14 months so I cannot tell you about his speech yet! But I made the choice to have it clipped after Tanner and Austin was born with a cleft lip and palate and will be in ST for years. I thought if I could save Steven from ST it would be worth it. Hopefully I have.

    So whether you choose to clip or not. It is a personal decision.

  9. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    My DD was tounge tied at birth. We had it clipped when she was about 2 months old. The surgeon did it in his office, just numbed it with some topical stuff and clipped it. It bleed a little bit, and she cried for a bit, but we just gave her a bottle and she was fine. Within about 30 minutes it was as if nothing had happened to her. Of course yours are weened by now, so the bottle won't help her, but maybe you could talk to the Dr. about how you can soothe her after it is done. Good Luck!! I hope it helps her!
  10. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    Both of my twins are considered tongue tied, but only dd2 got hers clipped. Her tongue did not even touch her bottom lip! However, she was able to nurse b/c her sister was such a good sucker that dd2 reaped the benefits. We went to our ENT at about 5 weeks old & he clipped it- no pain meds at all. Of course, I don't know if her speech was effected but I do know that she started to gain a ton more weight once she was clipped.
    I think now your dc would have to be put under, but I imagine it's just b/c older kids know what's coming.
    Good luck & I'm sure it will help.
  11. BaylorGirls

    BaylorGirls Well-Known Member

    Both my girls are tongue-tied (not severly), and we never got them clipped. Breastfeeding never really worked for us (they were preemies) but I don't know if the tongue-tie had anything to do with that. As they've gotten older the frenulum has stretched, so they can both stick out their tongues a bit and don't seem to have any problems with their speech. I figure if any problems are identified later we will do speech therapy. At this point (age 3) I'd hate to subject them to the surgery if it's not absolutely necessary.
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