Tomorrow I go to the perinatologist

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jemisaac, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. jemisaac

    jemisaac Active Member

    I was not enjoying the long wait before I could get into the specialist next Tuesday. This morning his office called and they had a cancellation. I needed to call back as soon as possible if I could take it. After 2 hours of trying to find a babysitter for my kids I finally did. Then DH had to get permission to take the whole day off of work. But we're all set now. Tomorrow we'll find out if the babies really are mono mono or not. Plus I'll get to learn this Dr's plan of action and such if they are. I'm really still holding out hope that they find a membrane. But I know that doesn't always happen.
    There's so much we need to plan before I can check into a hospital that I really wanted to know sooner than later. Plus I just want to know for sure. I'm 17 weeks tomorrow. So that should be late enough for them to find a membrane or not. I wasn't liking the wait at all.
    So, this time tomorrow I'll know what is up.
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Good luck! I'm happy they had an opening for a sooner appointment. :Clap: Update us when you get back!
  3. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member


    And just remember, if they are momos... LOTS of ladies have delivered healthy momo babies! I know I was 16 weeks along when they told me there was no membrane and we were expecting momo's. Since then, I have had 4 more ultrasounds , and still no membrane.

    We're keeping our fingers crossed for you! And that they see a membrane!!!

    Hugs! :hug99:
  4. jemisaac

    jemisaac Active Member

    Well, they are mono mono twins. Their cords are a bit twisted together, but no knots. I guess that is good. The Dr said they could just as easily untwist now as twist. We just have to pray for no cord compression. He's going to have me come in at 20 weeks (3 weeks from now) and then alternate weeks with my OB until they decide to put me inpatient. I have an u/s and appt with my regular OB in two weeks and I'm going to keep that so I can see them moving and good again.
    They both have good strong heart beats and good blood flow through the cords. He kept commenting on how they wouldn't stay still. That's like my daughter's pregnancy, she never stayed still. They need to be more like my son was, laid back and mostly still. Then they won't twist as much. So, possibly only 7 weeks to inpatient, but up to 9. So much to do in that time.
  5. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    many hugs to you - i know this must be scary. i'm glad you are being monitored so closely. keep us posted!
  6. NicoleJ

    NicoleJ Well-Known Member

    :hug99: to you. hope they find a membrane
  7. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I will be hoping that your little one's get more 'laid back' and no more turning & twisting in there!! ~ Hang in there & keep us posted on your appointments :)
  8. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    Keep positive, I know it's stressful. Please pm me if you want to chat. :D
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