Toddlers and glasses, tell me how you made it work

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 4jsinPA, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I thought we were going to be able to dodge the glasses but Mitchell got his prescription on Wed. I ordered frames for him and that was not fun at all as he had no interest. I opted to not get the safety cables but they told me we could add them later if we wanted. I am so nervous they will get lost/broken the first day. What worked for you...any advice would be helpful. I thought McKenna would be a help with this but when Mitchell was trying them on she said "Mitchell looks stupid" (btw, we aren't allowed to use that word but she likes to get a rise out of me)...wait till she gets hers, she will more than likely be getting them at her next appt to (I am hoping I am wrong but just going to assume).

    Thanks for any advice!

    Just realized after I posted this....guess mine aren't really toddlers anymore but preschoolers??? WOW.. They will be 4 this month, guess no more toddlers. We did have to get toddler glasses because he is so tiny!
  2. Twinrific

    Twinrific Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't really help but I can share our glasses story. My sis and I got our glasses at age 6 but we were so excited to get them so we protected them with our lives (lol sad I know but it was an admiring-your-older-siblings thing, they had glasses so we wanted them too) We all got our glasses at a young age and none of us had the safety cables. My parents never had a problem with any of us. Obviously there were the few accidents were the glasses ended up breaking (kids will be kids) but I think the easiest will be to somehow get them excited and proud about the glasses so that they want to look after them instead of being told to. How you're going to manage that I don't know since it seems they are already not very keen on them? I'm interested to see everyone's advice on this one. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
  3. kzomick

    kzomick New Member

    Make sure to get 2 pair. Also get a little pad kit at one of the drug stores. My little girls nose pads rub her nose raw so we have to cut some pads to fit. We never really had a problem with her wearing them but it really helps to have 2!!!

    Good luck!!

    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    my little guy has been wearing glass's sense he was 1.5yr, he is 2.5 now
    we have the glass's that are flixable and have 1 nose piece that looks like a upside down u goes from on side of the nose to the other. have hooks around the back of his ears, the hooks let him play with out the glass's sliding down, the single nose piece alows the glass's to sit better sense he doesnt have a bridge on his nose yet. they kinda form one. the flixablity isnt much but make it easier for me to bend them back in to shape which is a few times a week. we have 2 pairs of glass's, he lose's his at least once a mounth forgetting were he but them or finding them on me. always find them in a few days though
    when we first got his glass's we took him to a busy road,( he loves cars) we put on his glass's his mouth opened huge like it was the first time he ever saw cars the only time he takes them off sense than is when he is tired. which is why they get lost.
    my other son was 3.5 when this all happened we told him tha his brother needed the glass's to help him see
    he asked questions we answered. we now have a special place that keegan puts his glass's every night after his bath ( baths clean them really good) every morning he grabs his glass's and brush's his teeth,
    my advice you want warrenty you want to learn how to rebend the arms sense that is what takes the most damage, i carey a glass tightening kit in my purse, it has safed me a few times
    good luck message me if you have any other question. you will see a difference right away and thats what matters.
    we started to stop before running into the wall
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I got my glasses in first grade. Some suggestions on my part would be: get a eyeglass repair kit and make sure the screws are good and tight often(i've lost several lenses this way), get a case for his nightstand or side of the bed and get him in the routine of putting them in the case at night(i hate looking for mine in the morning) and tell him he looks good in his glasses(the more people who do the better). Toddlers are vain(mine certainly are) and will be more apt to wear them. My script is -5.75!!!!
  6. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks guys. He is actually farsighted (oh that the one where you can see far away but not close up??). Either way he can't see close up. His prescription is +3.25 in the Left and +2.00 in the other. So they want to try to correct before lazy eye could develop. She said he def needs to wear them to preschool, when watching tv, and when drawing,coloring and such. Otherwise she said she won't push but did tell me it would be easier to just tell him he always has to wear them.
    I never would have thought to get the eyeglass repair kit. I have been wearing glasses since I was 14 but in contacts since I was 16 so I only wear my glasses at night and never thought about the repair thing. Thanks for the advice!
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I'm very nearsighted which does have it's advantages. Better to have the repair it already than to need it and not be able to fix it right away
  8. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Don't expect him to take to it right away. Have him where them for an hour at a time at first. Natalie hated hers until this last six months. She's had them since she was 2. She asks for them most of the time but they are getting a little snug on her nose so she'll take them off occasionally and bring them to me. I give them to her in the morning and take them back at bed time now. She has a mild case of strabismus and is far sighted. We'd hoped she would out grow it but doesn't seem to be. We made a big deal out of how pretty her glasses were and how they looked nice on her for a while. She didn't care. She's the kid that wants to do the opposite of what's asked so we laid off of it for a little bit.
  9. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    Hi Jen,

    My girls will be 4 on April 21st and Natalie got her glasses last year in June. We were also very worried with how she would take to them, what Brooke would think about them, etc., other kids,etc. When the glasses came in, the transition went so smoothly! We were very surprised, Brooke could have cared less that Natalie had a pair and she didn't. No one made fun of her. She always wore them and still does, to preschool, out playing, etc., if she did take them off for some reason we would remind her to put them back on. We haven't lost them in the house yet. We did have to get replacement frames I think 2 times, both times it was because she had broken the arm. We didn't go with wire frames because I really didn't like how they looked and the eye dr told us that since it was her 1st pair, they might need more adjusting more often because they bend easier, etc. So we got a pair of glasses that are the regular type of frames, we also picked a pair that are close to what my glasses look like (I wear contacts and usually wear my glasses at night and in the mornings). We didn't get an extra stand by pair until this January before we left for vacation and I'm glad we did, we lost her glasses when we were at the beach. She actually was really good about it and calls her new glasses her vacation glasses. Natalie can't see far so maybe her transition will be different from Mitchell's. Good Luck!
  10. nutty-mom

    nutty-mom Well-Known Member

    Both my twins have been wearing glasses since 3 yrs and they are 4 yrs. We still use the safety cable and have never had any trouble really. Except for falling asleep in them and then they usually need to get adjusted after that.

    Good Luck. They will do ok. Its amazing how it all works out. I was really worried also.

    Both my twins have been wearing glasses since 3 yrs and they are 4 yrs. We still use the safety cable and have never had any trouble really. Except for falling asleep in them and then they usually need to get adjusted after that.

    Good Luck. They will do ok. Its amazing how it all works out. I was really worried also.
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