Toddler Pillows in the crib

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kstar, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    My girls are still in cribs and lately one of them has been balling up her blanket and using it as a pillow. Then last night she asked for a pillow. I was planning on using a pillow until we moved to beds. I found one on OneStepAhead that is the right size for toddlers, but don't want to order it if it is a bad idea to have a pillow in the crib.

    Do any of you use a pillow in the crib or should I wait?
  2. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    I'm curious about this too. One of my boys has always tried to use his little snuggle blanket as a pillow. He recently had croup and we wanted to elevate his head a little, so we put a pillow in his crib and he uses it! He keeps it in the same place at the end of the crib and doesn't move it around or pull it over his head or anything. I was a little concerned that maybe it wasn't safe, but at this age my instinct tells me it's probably ok, especially since he seems to uses it correctly. BUT...if anyone has other info. I would love to hear it.
  3. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We got toddler pillows when they were around 2 years and 3 months of age. We got them through a site called Mr. Bobbles. At one time she was offering a twin discount to members of TS. They were the perfect size, soft and came in some really cute patterns. My kids still love the pillows, but are getting close to using regular size ones.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I assume that by 2 years it would be fine. (Not sure about 1 year.) We don't use them because my kids seem to sleep fine without them, so I figured why mess with it.
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We just gave ours pillows for Xmas (@ 21m). They like the idea/novelty of the pillow but it wasn't being used during the night much.

    Last night I went to snuggle Nick in before going to sleep myself and he was cozily nestled into his I think he's happy to have it. Joe could care less.

    I went to Jo Ann's and got small (16 x 20) decorator pillows (only $8 total with my 40% off coupon!) and then made my own pillowcases for them. They are the perfect size for the cribs.

    I wouldn't think a pillow is any more dangerous than a balled up blanket if she's already employing it as such and asking for a pillow.
  6. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i've heard pillows are ok as long as they aren't too fluffy. i have been trying to find ones i like. i didn't like the ones at bru.
  7. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    One of my daughters will not sleep without this little pillow that came with the crib sheet set. It's a decorative pillow and I don't think it's intended for putting heads on. She doesn't use it for her head, she actually puts it down in her crib when she's standing up and purposely falls onto it, and lays there with her belly on it.....

    Even if she was to fall asleep with it near her head (which she has), it's too stiff and small to do any damage.
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    My two are both using regular {flat} pillows. When they were sick they couldn't sleep/breathe without being elevated and then they liked using one. I did notice that my ds was bunching up his blanket before this, so he must have wanted to sleep like this? They've been using their pillows for about six weeks now.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    They use either the pillows that came with Bea's crib set (it came with two), or flat pillows my aunt made. I had them in the crib just for no reason, and a few months ago they really started using them on their own.
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