Toddler leashes?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by angie7, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Well we are at the age where they are too big for their stollers (for shopping trips, etc) but too little to completely listen and follow close. Do you use the leashes? Do you like them?

    My mom just bought 2 of the "purse" type. I havent seen them yet so I am not sure what they look like. We are planning a shopping trip at the mall later on in the week so I can find clothes to go to my dh's company xmas party. I have always said that I would never use them, but I think they would be easier then chasing 2 tods around and I would feel secure knowing that they are still walking, learning, etc. all while close to me and not having to worry about looking away for a sec and they are gone.....
  2. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I LOVE my leashes! My girls refuse to sit in their stroller, they are high energy kids. The leashes give them the opportunity to walk and I feel safe knowing they aren't going to charge down the isle way or road. But beware you will get those looks for people. I heard some little old lady tell a casher about how I was such a bad mom for having my children on leashes and wondered if I ever heard of a stroller. The nerve of some people.
  3. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Trish_e @ Dec 1 2007, 06:04 PM) [snapback]516771[/snapback]
    But beware you will get those looks for people. I heard some little old lady tell a casher about how I was such a bad mom for having my children on leashes and wondered if I ever heard of a stroller. The nerve of some people.

    Argh!!! That's what I am afraid of! I dont want the looks or the comments b/c I am not the type of person to just smile and move on. I would have to say something, and it probably wouldnt be very nice....
  4. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i remember seeing kids on these, before i had kids of course, never mind that they are twins....i've wondered about them and how they work. i wouldn't want to get the looks either...but if they only knew...they would understand!
  5. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I have them but I think my boys need to get a little bigger before we use them. I am prepared for the looks/comments. I think if I got a comment, I would ask how they did it with their TWINS! What can they say to that!
  6. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    We have ones that look like Monkeys. Let me see if I have a picture...

    They do really good in them and we only use them when I am going someone with someone else (dh or my mom) and the stroller just won't work. I haven't tried to use them alone yet, the girls aren't ready for that, haha. I have gotten looks, but oh well, this is the best way to have happy babies who stay close.
  7. rachel123

    rachel123 Well-Known Member

    I only used mine once and I have had them since aug we used them at the county fair.
  8. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(seamusnicholas @ Dec 1 2007, 12:09 PM) [snapback]516866[/snapback]
    I think if I got a comment, I would ask how they did it with their TWINS!

    LOVE this response. ;)

    We got some 6m ago, but the boys were only 14m at the time. I tried them out in the house first (Thank God). Nick didn't mind his so much, but Joe was NOT a fan!
    Nick leash
    Joe leash

    I think if I tried them again it wouldn't be as big of a deal. I may just have to go dig them up again.

    As far as dirty looks go, I distinctly remember thinking leashes were awful when I saw a kid in one...BEFORE I had kids. I think it's one of those things that until you have a kid who needs one you can't understand why anyone would use it. Just like parents who think CIO is awful b/c their kids naturally started sleeping thru at 12weeks, if you don't have a 'tough kid' you don't get it.
  9. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Before I had kids I was one of those people that would comment to whom ever I was with about why that mom or dad could not just hold their childs hand. then I had twins and understand why they are used and think that they are a great idea... I was even going to get them and then one day while I was out there was a mom with her daughter on a "leash" the back pack kind... I was walking near her for quite a while and she got alot of dirty looks and comments.. I felt really bad for her b/c she was just doing what she needed to make it through her shopping trip while keeping her daughter safe.. and to be honest the little girl LOVED it.. But I decided right there Im not a big enough person to deal with the comments and the looks... so my boys will stay in the stroller for as long as i can keep them in there....

    I saw if they work for you use it!
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I still put mine in the stroller, way easier than them getting tangled around the leashes and falling down all the time. For shopping, I only use the stroller! Sorry that I'm not much help!
  11. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We use them when we are going some place that does not allow strollers: movies theaters, airports, some museums.. I usually give a smirk when someone comments and ask, how did they chase their twins around.. " Oh wait, you don't have twins, do you?"
  12. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    We have ones that look like Monkeys. Let me see if I have a picture...

    I have leashes too for my g/b twins. I have the same per above at Target. I did get a few comments at the play ground at the mall area. Their comments were "Where did you get that?" or Great ideas for twins, no smirk look so far. I put it on them and if they run out of the area, I just got my hands to reach for the leashes on their back to hold from running. Yes, they do fall down a few times with it. Also, I used them for not allow strollers places too.

    I don't care if anyone give me the glare look. Sometimes, I have this mood and have the guts and tell them, excuse me were you giving us a glare look? Please try having twins toddlers! I do that because I want people to understand that they should not be judge other mothers without any experience handling twins or even triple stage.

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin
  13. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    If it was a short trip, then I would use the stroller. But this will be a few hours of looking at and trying on clothes. And my kids are "high energy or high demand" whatever you want to call it. And sitting in a stroller, doesnt work for them. And then when they are out, one runs one way and the other the other way. And can only imagine my mom trying to keep up with 2 toddlers while I am trying on clothes, it would be a nightmare. I would get frustrated and end up leaving without anything...So I think this is the only route I can go with them....Thanks for the input ladies....I will get prepared for people who dont understand. and I love the "how did you do it with your TWINS!" I might use that one :p
  14. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    We got our puppy and monkey leashes from Walmart for $9.95. They are the same ones at Target.

    I use them ALL the time! There is now way to take them out without them.

    I went to MI around Christmas time last year and it was only me and my daughter with them. I was lugging around luggage and the babies through the Houston and Detroit airport! I got a lot of positive comments! However, if you would have seen me, then you would know why no one said anything negative to me. :lol:
  15. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I used one for Sierra few times. Mainly during hikes to keep her next to us. For shopping, my were in the stroller until a little over 3 years old. They are extremely high energy but I trained them from the beginning that the stroller is non-negotiable and I always brought little toys, books, & snacks to keep them occupied.
  16. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I know it's hard to ignore the looks and comments. Before I had twins, I was one of those people that gave looks to moms who had their kids on "leashes." But now as a mother myself and one of twins, I totally understand and I feel that the safety of my kids is way more important than any comment from someone who has NOT btdt is more important. Like everything else, once in a while, you may just need to "educate" some person who ticks you off with their ignorant comment.

    I like the comment of saying, "How did YOU do it with twins?" Great way to put them on the spot and perhaps shut them up.
  17. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    We use our leashes/backpack harnesses all the time. We always throw it into our stroller when we go out. They love them because they know they get a lot more freedom than holding our hands. It gives them an opportunity to explore. I do have another kind that hooks both harnesses onto a belt (that goes around my waist) so that it is possible to have 2 children and 1 adult, but I haven't tried it, yet. We always have one child per one adult.
  18. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(littletwinstars @ Dec 2 2007, 11:09 AM) [snapback]517630[/snapback]
    I do have another kind that hooks both harnesses onto a belt (that goes around my waist) so that it is possible to have 2 children and 1 adult, but I haven't tried it, yet. We always have one child per one adult.

    LOL, I had to laugh at this...I can just imagine one of us trying this for the first time with "high energy" twins and getting dragged behind a pair of excitable Tazmanian devils reducing us to nothing but a pile of exhausted dust. ;)
  19. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Dec 1 2007, 05:43 PM) [snapback]516964[/snapback]
    I still put mine in the stroller, way easier than them getting tangled around the leashes and falling down all the time. For shopping, I only use the stroller! Sorry that I'm not much help!

    Ditto this -- the leashes just seem crazy complicated to me! I still always use the stroller and as they've gotten older we've interspersed longer and longer interludes of hand-holding. Frankly the idea of the leashes terrifies me because not only does it seem like they'd forever be getting tangled up, but also because the #1 best thing about the stroller is that it prevents (or at least significantly reduces) all the grabby-hands pulling everything off the shelves/racks, and the leashes wouldn't help with that. In stores I find that even more challenging than keeping them with me, LOL!

    Anyway -- whatever works is what I say! If you think this will work for you, then great, and who cares what random strangers in the mall think?
  20. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    we have them and the few times we've tried to use them they just aren't quite ready yet - as much as they hate the stroller, if they walk around too long they get pissy and will just sit down wherever they're at and the it looks like we're dragging them....

    I may have to break them out again...we have the blue padded ones from

    oh and nevermind the looks in the mall my MIL already made the comment when I mentioned "harnesses" (not leashes) she said (like from the kids perspective) "oh no mommy we don't want to look like puppies"

    she's a biyotch...
  21. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I always said I'd never use them either, but I ate those words. We have two backpack puppy style, and I use them for Lily quite often because she has learned how to un-strap the stroller and climb out. Grace isn't a confident walker yet, so she's okay in the stroller still.

    Honestly, they are wonderful to let your toddler walk like they want to yet you keep them close and safe. I think they are great, just ignore the stares you'll occasionally get from those who do not have toddlers/twins.
  22. bethanne

    bethanne Well-Known Member

    We use our occasionally. They do get tangled up when I try to use them alone. The best comment I've gotten so far was 50ish year old lady who looked at me and said, "They're not dogs!". I just looked at wide-eyed and said something along the lines of, "OMG are you serious. Thanks for news flash."
  23. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    We don't have them, but I think they are a great idea. If someone stares, ignore it! It's just because of the "dog/leash" stereotype that people think it's weird, but if you think about it objectively, it's an awesome way to keep your kids safe and still let them explore.

    My boys get bored in their stroller, but they are happy riding in the seat of the shopping carts. So when I take them out, I get 2 shopping carts - I pull one and push the other with my forearm. Keeps them contained and happy!

  24. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I have the teddy bear and monkey ones from Target ($9.99). They are great. The girls really like them too.

    They have a really cute one at BRU that looks like a kids actually has room to hold some stuff..not sure of the price though.
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