Toddler Busy Book

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Beth*J, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have The Toddler Busy Book? I was at Amazon ordering 1-2-3 Magic and this popped up as a book others have ordered. It says it has activities for keeping toddlers busy. I'm just curious if anyone has it and if it is a good book.
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Never heard of it, but it looks really cool!! It got good reviews!
  3. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I have it. It does have a lot of activity ideas. I got it when the twins were around 18 months, and I think they're just now getting old enough to do most of the activities. I need to get it out and get materials for some activities! I haven't looked at it in a few months.
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I've got it. It's o.k. I can't say that I walked away with a ton of things to do after reading it. Alot things that are in there are pretty wasteful. For example she says to give them a box of kleenex and let them pull them all out or fill a plastic kiddie pool with cooked spaghetti noodles. I actually made a list of different activites that I thought about letting the twins do. Some of them though, I still don't feel they are old enough for yet. Some are pretty silly, but these were they less silly/stupid/non-wasteful suggestions that I found in the book. I'll save you some money and share with you my list:

    *Sticky Figures
    Glue Velcro on flat piece of wood. Glue pieces of Velcro on bottom of small figures.

    *Fridge Magnets
    Cut out pictures or design and glue to metal lids from frozen juice cans. Glue magnet on the back.

    *Ice Cube Bags
    Place different colored ice cubes in bags and let them see and play with different colors.

    *Wave Bottle
    Fill clean soda bottle with water 1/3 full. Add few drops food coloring, glitter, sequins, etc… Fill rest of bottle with baby oil. Glue the cap to the bottle.

    *Ring Fun
    Place play dough in large bowl. Stick wooden spoon in middle. Let kids throw canning rings onto spoon.

    *Toy Toss
    Place baby in crib. Place basket next to crib. Give child stuffed animals to throw into basket.

    *Jungle Safari
    Hide stuffed animals and let them use a flashlight to find them.

    *People Puppets
    Attach photos of family to popsicle stick. Cover with clear contact paper.

    *People Blocks
    Attach pictures of family to wooden blocks.

    *Magic Mud
    Feels like a solid, but drips through your fingers. Put cornstarch in bowl and add just enough water to be able to stir the mixture, then add food coloring.

    *Soap Crayons
    Use to write with in the tub. Mix ½ cup water and 1 ½ cup pure soap powder (Ivory Snow). Add food coloring. Pour the soap into small container or mold it into crayon shapes and let harden before using.

    *Colored ice cubes
    Add bowl of different colored ice cubes to the bath.

    *Gone Fishing
    Fill large bucket/container with water. Add plastic worms, ping-pong balls, float corks, etc…and let them try and catch them.

    *Bubble Fun
    Homemade bubble solution: 7 parts water, 1 part dish soap, 1-2 Tbs of glycerin.
    Cut 2 straws in half and tape the 4 pieces together. Blow bubbles through straws.

    *Digging for Treasure
    Hide small objects in sand (colored stones). Give them shovels and colander to sift sand and find treasures.

    *Window Painting
    Add a little dish detergent to fingerpaints. (makes for easy cleanup). Clean up with water and sponge or water hose.

    *Sheet painting
    Fill spray bottle half with water and half with tempera paint. Hang an old sheet up and let them spray paint it.
    1 person likes this.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Thanks for reminding me that I have it! I got it when Justin and Hannah were little. I haven't looked at it for awhile.
  6. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    I got some good ideas from it. Not all great, but some good ones. I would just get it from the library, peruse it, write down ideas and return it.
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