Toddler Beds/Twin Beds...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MommyofThreeBoys, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    What age?

    We want to do the boys room over this spring...they are 20 months and "everyone" tells me that I am crazy if I take them out cribs now...Also, we are thinking of just skipping toddler beds...Do you think it's necessary or should we just move to the twin beds? We have the money now to buy a bedroom set. We were thinking bunk beds....
  2. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

    It depends on your kids how the transition will go. Ally went to a daybed just after her 2nd birthday, and did great with it. Jack, was a nightmare though. He stayed in his crib with a crib tent till he was almost 3.

    I'd skip the toddler beds. If you're worried about them falling out, just put the mattresses on the floor to begin with, or put pillows next to the bed to make for a soft landing.

    As for bunkbeds, I assume you mean the kind that you can keep as single beds for awhile, and then bunk them later, right? I'm not a huge fan of bunkbeds, even for older kids, because I fell out of mine when I was around 9 years old. I never slept on the top bunk again.
  3. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Big boy beds now? You are crazy. LOL. I say don't rock the boat and enjoy what you have now. I'm not planning on moving them out of cribs until I need to. Maybe around 2.5. They are no where near developmentally ready for beds, but that's just mine.

    I'm skipping toddler beds and going right to twin beds. I'd love to do bunk beds some day but I don't think our ceilings are high enough for them.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We switched at 2 1/2, I would have waited longer, but we needed them in beds before we went to the IL's for Christmas. Even at that age, it took us about a month to get naps back. We went right to twin beds. I would wait as long as possible!
  5. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    We switched from cribs to twin beds right at 2 years (& split them to separate rooms in a new house) all in one transition. It went fine.
    We did use a toddler bed with our older son, but that was at 18 months b/c he was climbing out of his crib.
    I think it was easier making the long term transistion all at once, but every kid is different & every family is different. Do what you can live with.
  6. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    I too would put it off as long as you can. [​IMG]

    We switched straight to twin beds w/ rails at 2 1/2. The only reason we did is because both girls were getting way to tall to sleep in the cribs comfortably, which in turn meant they woundn't sleep well anymore.

    I am still sleeping with the girls most nights. Not really because I HAVE to sleep with them, but I do have to lay with them to keep Reagan from running around the room and keeping Brooke awake. Problem with that is, I am usually so tired that I fall asleep too. LOL

    For us, toddler beds wouldn't have worked because they aren't any bigger than a crib, but even if they would have, we would have saved the extra money, and just went to twin beds w/ rails.

  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We're planning to keep them in cribs as long as possible (with tents if it helps), but once we do move, we'll do mattresses on the floor and then straight to twin beds. Toddler beds are cute and maybe they help with the transition, but I'd rather spend the money on something else.
  8. We switched at 19 months, and it has been fine at night. They did great with the transistion. It was naptime that we had the most problems with, however, I think we finally have it worked out, as long as we seperate them. We went to toddler beds, since I was undecided on having them sleep together in a quenn, or if i could fit 2 twin beds. Good luck!
  9. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    We are going to wait as long as possible. When we do make the switch, we are going straight to twin beds and we'd really like to do bunk beds. I saw one recently that isn't extra high (they are in an L formation and the bottom bunk's head area is not underneath the top bunk, so I think that's why the top bunk is lower than you see most of them being) and the top bunk is built so that you can't fall out of it. Our girls are very tall, so they probably won't be in cribs for very much longer and wouldn't be in a toddler bed for very long. It would be a waste of money for us to go to toddler beds.
  10. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    We made the switch at 26 months and decided to use toddler beds. Mostly because with both sets I know I'll get my use out of them. Naps have been a little rough, just be consistent and you will get them back.

    Good luck
  11. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    The only reason we've ever used toddler beds is because they were give to us. There's really no reason to. In your situation I'd go right to twin beds with bed rails.

    That said...DON'T DO IT!! LOL Seriously, the longer you can keep them in cribs, the more sane you will be. We just got a crib tent for Erick a few weeks ago. They'll be two in June but NO WAY! If you really want to buy the furniture now, just store it somewhere for a while! GL!
  12. we switched the girls to day beds ( we tok the rails off their cribs and used this for the year) then we bought them toddler beds, which they are still in today (they just turned 4 in jan) we just started looking at twin beds for them (and we are also thinking of bunk beds) but they are four now!
  13. iggystwins

    iggystwins Well-Known Member

    We put our boys in toddler beds just after Christmas, so they were about 28 months old. I left them in their cribs until they started climbing out. They made the transition pretty easily. Putting Thomas the Tank Engine sheets made them want to sleep on the beds :D
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