Toddler Bed Trouble

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rebekahj, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone! My boys turned two in February but have just past their 'adjusted age' 2nd birthday. :wavey:

    Last Saturday we moved our two boys from cribs to toddler beds. Sam was going to successfully climb out of his crib any day so we thought it was time. It's been an even rougher go than I had expected. They had been such good sleepers! We found out what things in the room weren't really 'childproof' after all, and had do some other re-arranging and lock the low light-switch to off. But our main problem is that Sam won't let Alex go to sleep. Alex will lay down in his bed, and Sam will sit right next to his head or climb over him or otherwise bug Alex. It would be really hard to find another space in the house that can be childproofed so that we could separate them, but what are our other options? The only thing that's 'worked' so far is basically holding on to Sam for a while until Alex can fall asleep. Sam will still bug him but less until he falls asleep on the floor somewhere. What have people found works? Staggered bedtimes? Some sort of room divider? Tying Sam to his bed? ;)
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    No advice, mine still do it at 3 but eventually calm down... we only switched 2 months ago though.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I set up a pnp in the room (yes, it made it very tight to get in there, it's a small room), and everytime someone got out of bed, they went into the pnp with no paci's and no lovey's. We deliberately put the paci's/lovey's back into their beds and told them if they wanted them they had to stay in bed, the suckies and "guys" stayed in bed. It only took our dd a few nights, it took our ds longer, he's stubborn ;) We still have bad nights sometimes, they kept jumping from bed to bed the other night, but for the most part, they go down pretty good now :)
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We went through this at that exact same age and after 7 days of no sleep (for any of us!) I chose to do crib tents on the crib.
    However now that I look back, I could have done what I did when they turned 3y and put them in toddler beds. I put them in different rooms. I know you said it wouldn't be easy because of having to child proof another room but I can honestly say that once they weren't in the same room, neither one got up and into stuff. When they were in the same room they destroyed or got into EVERYTHING. Mine have been apart for 6 months and in the next couple weeks I'm going to try putting them back in the same room, since I loved having a playroom and want it back :)
    Good luck! I hope you guys get some sleep soon!
  5. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    We have the same issue on occasion here but my guys are older, so I don't think you'd want to handle it this way. But if Jonah climbs more than once into Theo's bed (it's ALWAYS Jonah bugging Theo), then he has to come sit out in the hallway for several minutes. It's cold and dark with a hard floor so he doesn't like it at all, and it gives him a chance to calm down a bit and it gives Theo a chance to doze off if he's really tired. We normally only have to do this once, and on rare occasions twice. I think Jonah realizes staying in his own warm, cozy bed is the more appealing option.
    The p n' p option mentioned above is along similar lines but maybe more suited to a 2 year old!
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    They are still pretty young for toddler beds IMO. I would do the crib tent thing and buy yourself some more times if you can. When we switched our kids to toddler beds, I ended up sitting in their room in the dark. Anytime one got out of their bed, I would get up and place them back in-no talking, no emotion. It took some time, but they eventually got it. I did sit in their room at nap time until they went to sleep. It was the fastest way to get them to fall asleep without having them bouncing off the walls. GL!
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