Toddler bed disaster!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ladyeeyore31, May 10, 2007.

  1. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    The boys are going to be 2 in a couple weeks, and they have started to get really daring in their cribs climbing up on the bars and sitting on the edge. Not so much getting out (even though they can) but just playing on the cribs when they should be napping. So today we started them at nap time in the toddler beds and they would not even stay in them. We had the cribs that change from a crib to a toddler bed, and they were still trying to climb up the side that was higher. They are such monkeys!!! I kept going in and telling them to lay down every five seconds and as soon as I would walk down the hall they were back up climbing or running around their room. (I have a video monitor in their room so I can see when they got up) I had taken their bucket of toys out of the room so they had nothing to play with but they still kept themselves very busy. And since the floor is wood they could easily move the beds around the room. I dont know what to do, but I hope that it will be better tonight since at least it will be dark and they may get bored more easily. Wow this was so much easier with one baby. Does anyone have any ideas. Should I keep going in there to speak to them??? What in the world do I do, please help me!!!!
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    My suggestion is to put them back in cribs and get crib tents. I have no idea how to get the to stay otherwise except repetition, repetition, repetition. Good luck!
  3. vickyc76

    vickyc76 Well-Known Member

    I had to put my girls in toddler beds before I was ready to also because they could climb out. They weren't but they could and I knew that a fall from the top of the crib rail would be really bad. I often would find them moving the toddler beds around, taking off the mattresses and even turning the beds over. I didn't think 2 year olds were capable of that, but when there are two of them they can get a lot done.

    If they are still climbing on the sides of the bed you might want to remove the mattresses and place them on the floor, in the interest of safety at this point. Once they have a little more self control, you could set the beds back up for them. As far as getting them to nap, that's a little harder. Just continue to insist on quiet least staying in the room and playing quietly. Maybe sit and read a book while they lay there quietly. I eventually had to separate my girls' into different rooms because I would lay them down and they would stay in bed, but they would lay there and talk.

    It is a whole different dynamic with two and you just have to continue to encourage them to lay down and rest...even if that means that you sit in there and read them 3 or 4 books to get them to sleep. Good luck.
  4. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    The cribs tents are just too expensive for us to get although they would probably be a good idea. Also I am worried about them getting used to me helping them get to sleep because we got Jordan into that habit and it took forever to break him of it. Since the twins sleep pretty good normally I was hoping not to have to resort to that.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Just a note about crib tents, since that is what I would do--they have GREAT resale value on e-bay. I bought mine new for about $70, and sold it for $50! Well worth the money. I just think that a 2, most kids are not ready for the freedom of a bed. Think of it this way--you took them out of cribs because they didn't understand, "stop climbing"--but now you expect them to get "stay in bed"?
  6. BaylorGirls

    BaylorGirls Well-Known Member

    We moved the girls to toddler beds shortly after they turned two, and it was a disaster. They took maybe 3 naps in 3 weeks. It was stressing us out way too much! They also kept falling out. So they went back to the cribs - without a fuss, much to our surprise. They also weren't big climbers, so that wasn't too much of a problem. We got them toddler beds (as opposed to the cribs that convert) for Christmas about 3 months later and they were so ready for them. I like the toddler beds much better than the convertible cribs - they are lower to the floor and have a little rail on the side. They still get up and play sometimes when we are trying to get them to sleep, but they always end up in their beds. And they love being able to sit or play on their beds during the day or get in/on each other's beds.
  7. Momtofive

    Momtofive Well-Known Member

    We had the cribs that converted as well and it turned out to be not worth the money. The boys would use the toddler bed rails to climb on their changing table. So we just decided to go get regular toddler beds. Crib tents weren't an opton for us either because they are so expensive.
    My boys have been in their toddler beds for a few weeks now and they still get up and run around. It does get better but I guess they are still in freedom mode. We took everything out of their room except their beds and had to tie their closet door shut. They are baby gated in so they can't go anywhere. After they get bored they lay down. We go up every so often and tell them to lay back down but it doesn't work. Try only going in every 10 minutes instead of five.
    Good luck
  8. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    We put them in twin beds at 25 months because one of the cribs broke in half. Let's see... we took out all the toys. Taped the dresser drawers shut. Locked the closet. Darkened the window so it was really hard to see in their room. Then it was just a matter of repitition. Over and over and over agan. It took a few weeks but now they sleep well at night. They were napping well for a while, but then Noah decided to be a brat and wake Aiden up constantly. So now Aiden gets to nap in his bed, but Noah has to nap in the pack'n'play (in the same room). He barely fits, and is probably over then weight limit, so I hope this phase passes quickly. lol

    Good luck and just stay consistant.
  9. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    Well last night they went to bed so well. When I said it was bed time Brady grabbed his blanket and crawled into his bed and then started to pout a little, I put Tyler in his bed kissed them both goodnight and by the time I closed the door they were both quiet and I didnt hear another peep from them. During the night I heard a thud and Brady started to fuss a little (he had fallen out of bed) and then I heard the crunch noise of the mattress as he got back in and he was out again. They did so good.
    For their naps today I figured I would make sure that they were really tired so we stayed busy all morning with a visit to grammy's house. I put them down about 30 minutes ago and at first they were fighting it, but I stayed right outside of their room so that as soon as one of them stood up I could speak to them and after a few times they got the point and went to sleep. I hope they will keep up now with the sleeping good, I know we will have rough days but I think we may make it. Thanks for all the input. I will keep you updated!!!
  10. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that they went down better for ya last night and today!

    I put my son in a toddler bed right around 2 yo, he did really well...I have a feeling that the girls won't be nearly that easy!

    best of luck to ya, don't give up!
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