Toddler bath toys

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E&Msmom, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My toddlers have been playing with the same bath toys since we started giving baths [​IMG] and I think we need some new ones.
    Anyone have good ideas on fun bathtub toys for toddlers? We've tried the color tabs and also paints/crayons in the tub those are a HIT!
    Now I need something like letters? or measuring cups? or?? What are your kids favorite bath time toys? links would be greatly appreciated!!!!
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have a big bag of toys, that honestly-I try to hide! LOL! It makes bath time go by soooo quicker! LOL! I have a watering can, that is like a duck, that I bought at the dollar bin at Target. That's a hit! Even wash cloths are too! I also have a few cups-all of these are from when they were infants. I bathe the three of them together-I put out about 4 toys-when THEY remember to ask me. Otherwise-in and out! Oh-and some boats are in there as well. Pretty lame bath toys! Good luck and have fun shopping!

    I did the marker thing too-except it was not easy getting off the tub!
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Mine love cars-- so they have a couple matchbox cars and cups of any kind! They also are really into the squeeze toys that squirt water, they can finally do them on their own and just love to get daddy wet :laughing: We also have these matching colors games... The penguins match the rings they sit in, and they don't ever play that game but they love the penguins and rings. Mine love love love bathtime and could be in there all day long!
  4. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    Our favourite toys at the moment are two cups with openings at the bottom to let the water out slowly. One sort of sprays the water and one has a little water wheel that turns when the water comes out. No links unfortunately - these were hand-me downs. One thing the really love is for me to stand up and slowly pour a large measuring cup of water into the bath. I hold my hand up really high to make more of a splash. The love to stick their hands and feet under the water and then they grab a cup or a boat and hold it under the stream of water to fill it.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Cups, buckets, shovels, and play watering cans are the big hit now. Mine also loved bathtime books, but I have to get some new ones because their other ones I had to throw out.
  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Right now their favorite bath toys are FP Little people and matchbox cars. Aaaand the tea set. Pretty much, non-bath toys.
  7. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    Mine love any form of buckets, cups, water cans - Toys differ weather they are in the shower or bathtub -

    Bathtub toys - Barbie dolls (i try to stick to the bathtub versions), plastic containers for buckets (we just have the Ziploc disposable ones), small watering can, wash clothes

    Shower toys - sorting cups from when they were babies, Alex Toys -fashion in a tub - these are the people that come with clothes and they stick to the walls (I found Borders books has a large selection for boys (cars/cities) & girls (girls to dress), wash clothes!

    Mine don't get into the letters until they hit preschool and are learning about the letters & then they love them!
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have a pile of bath toys, but always the most popular things are just cups. Plain old plastic cups. Which is fine with me because they are easy to clean unlike so many bath toys, I hate how yucky some of them can get!
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    After we redid our bathroom this winter, I decided to get rid of all the bath toys. Now they play with cups and bowls and wash clothes (they pretend the wash clothes are sea divers!). I was totally ooged out by the crud that came out of their bath toys after sitting in storage for a while (after I thought I got all the water out). YUCK! :bad:
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My kids really loved bath crayons, but they drove me nuts because a) they always break, b) they don't really last very long even when they don't break, and c) I had to scrub all the marks off the tub afterwards. However, it can be a good incentive for a bath-phobic toddler.

    Other than that, at that age they liked to "cook" in the tub, so they mostly played with an assortment of plastic cups & bowls and plastic or wooden spoons. Non-bath toys (things that won't get hurt by getting wet, but that aren't really intended for the tub) are a nice treat too. They still do that, mostly, but now they also make "families" out of their rubber duckies.

    But I'm like Meg -- I generally hope they forget to ask for toys in the bath, unless it's a rainy weekend and I really need to kill some time. :laughing:
  11. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i got the letters and the girls don't really play with them. they do love measuring cups, regular cups, and empty bath wash/shampoo bottles. those are what they play with teh most. and a toy boat. we do have some baby dolls that swim around, too, but those still aren't as excited as teh things that they can fill with water! all the squeeze toys get so gross on teh inside, i hide those from them
  12. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Funnels are great --- they can watch the water drain out or it can be a trumpet.

    A baby doll that is all plastic has been a hit. Great so they take a wash cloth and wash the baby's arms, legs, hair, etc.

    A frog that floats -- legs move when you wind it up.

    A rubber duck if you don't have one. or two ducks.

    A spatula -- not sure why but they like that thing -- usually bite it.

  13. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    Mine still enjoy their Bath Letters. I used to first give them just letters to their names and practice and then numbers. Now they enjoy making their own words and one of my girls likes making jumbles for my other daughter.

    We have them in a plastic basket with holes to drain so it's easy to put away.
  14. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    We have the older model of this set: Fishing Bath Set

    I did a search for "fishing pole bath toy" and some other cute ones came up. My DS can spend the whole bath time trying to "catch fish".

    Beyond that, cups are the favorite!! And, a little plastic Ernie & Elmo (don't know where they came from) that go fishing in the boat, or swimming, or whatever.
  15. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Mine like just about anything they can take into the tub. Current faves are letters, cups, bowls, watering can, plastic dinosaurs, and Little People.

    I have all of our bath toys in a netting bag that I bought originally to wash lingerie. It works great to drain all of the water out and has a loop I use to hang the bag on a hook in the shower/tub.
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