Todays NST

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by navywife2bmom, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. navywife2bmom

    navywife2bmom Well-Known Member

    So today i had just a routine NST.. at 9... ok well i am having contractions but i cant feel them.... but thats not the reason they kept me for 5 hours.... the reason they kept me for 5 hours is... cause Baby B's heartrate kept falling from 130's to the 110-129 they had to "zap" her a few times...... the doc's on call wouldnt tell me why this is bad or happening... they said they have seen this happen in the past with babies under 32 weeks and im a few days less then 32 weeks.... but they said to talk to my doctor that i see tomorrow.... so i dont know what is going on... but they did let me go home... so im thinking it can't be that bad if they would let me go home... with the only instructions that if "anything out of the ordinary happens to come back up" and to talk to my doc tomorrow. Has this happend to anyone else????
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That must have been a bit scary for you. :hug99:
  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(navywife2bmom @ Nov 15 2007, 05:43 PM) [snapback]497674[/snapback]
    So today i had just a routine NST.. at 9... ok well i am having contractions but i cant feel them.... but thats not the reason they kept me for 5 hours.... the reason they kept me for 5 hours is... cause Baby B's heartrate kept falling from 130's to the 110-129 they had to "zap" her a few times...... the doc's on call wouldnt tell me why this is bad or happening... they said they have seen this happen in the past with babies under 32 weeks and im a few days less then 32 weeks.... but they said to talk to my doctor that i see tomorrow.... so i dont know what is going on... but they did let me go home... so im thinking it can't be that bad if they would let me go home... with the only instructions that if "anything out of the ordinary happens to come back up" and to talk to my doc tomorrow. Has this happend to anyone else????

    *hugs* I do hope nothing out of the ordinary happens. Can I ask what you mean by "zap" her?

  4. navywife2bmom

    navywife2bmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Nov 15 2007, 08:10 PM) [snapback]497777[/snapback]
    *hugs* I do hope nothing out of the ordinary happens. Can I ask what you mean by "zap" her?


    well its this vibrating thing that they put on my stomach, and it wakes them up or makes them move cause the babies dont like it
  5. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(navywife2bmom @ Nov 15 2007, 07:23 PM) [snapback]497797[/snapback]
    well its this vibrating thing that they put on my stomach, and it wakes them up or makes them move cause the babies dont like it

    Thanks for explaining :)

  6. jdfb68

    jdfb68 Member

    Apparently at 32 weeks, the criteria for the NST changes. Pre-32 weeks, the docs look for a 10 x 10 (10 beats/min over the baseline for 10 seconds) and after 32 weeks, this changes to a 15 x 15. I am not 32 weeks but one of my doctors wrote that my girls were reactive 15 x 15 so they had to meet that standard with each subsequent NST. That meant that this "20-minute" test could take 2 hours. It can be very scary. I'm learning not to ask too many more questions because the more I know, the more I have to be concerned about.
  7. erinh56

    erinh56 Well-Known Member

    I know my babies are fine, but they have not been reactive on the NST's so far. Yesterday they had me do a Bio-Physical Profile just for reassurance. I'm thinking if there was something totally wrong, you would have had the same thing done. Apparently picking up accurate numbers for twins on the NST is rather difficult. For each of mine, I've been there over 2 hours..good luck!
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