Todays appt went great!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by blueeyez553, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    Today we went and saw the specialist for the 1st time and they confirmed both babies are definately boys and they are almost exactly the same size but both weighed 4 oz .. And today they found the membrane and IM so happy they did. Im guessing they are identical because there is only one placenta and they are both the same sex. Would that make sense? Well i just wanted to share my good news with everyone :icon_biggrin:
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats on a great appt. and finding out they are both boys. :Clap: I do believe if there is only one placenta that they are indeed identical (someone correct me if I'm wrong though).
  3. monik

    monik Well-Known Member

    Glad you had a great appt. keep up the good work.
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    One placenta means identical, although 2 placentas can fuse into one, in which case they could be either frat or ID. Congrats on a good appointment!
  5. tshickok

    tshickok Member

    I am guessing that since they were actually looking for the membrane for the amniotic sacs that they are diamniotic and monochrionic (identical).

    YEAH for finding the membrane! I remember when they found mine we were so ecstatic!
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