Todays Appointments and Milestones 8/15

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by summerfun, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Chris02 - U/S
    navywife2bmom - Peri Appt & U/S
    missusbecker -Peri and U/S Appt
    chris02 -OB appt.
    Beth*J -OB appt.
    Stephanie1974 - MDT Appt
    myfriends715 - NST, U/S, & OB Appt

    Good luck ladies. Let us know how they go.

    Stephanie1074 - 26 Weeks :a_smil09:

    If anyone else has an appointment today or has reached a milestone today, please feel free to add it here.
  2. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Had my Gestational Diabetes test today and passed! woo HOO!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Congratulations and good luck girls!
  4. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    12 weeks today! Woo hoo! That seems insignificant compared to some of the milestones all you ladies have had, but I guess I have to start somewhere. My appointment today was awesome! I love my OB. I went with a huge list of questions and she spent an hour answering all of them. Last week I called to see if I was getting an ultrasound (to find out if I should have DH come with me) and the nurse told me that I would not get another one until I was 20 weeks and that would be it unless I was having problems. I asked if she remembered I was having twins and she said yes, this was standard. So I've been worried about that. Well, I guess I didn't need to worry. I think I am quickly learning that I shouldn't just blindly trust what the nurse tells me. The dr. told me she wants me to have one next week, and at 20 weeks, and every month after that to keep an eye on the babies' growth and my cervix. She told me that the babies each have their own sac and placenta, so that's great. Hopefully that means fewer problems. We heard both the heartbeats with the doppler. The doctor was thrilled that I have gained two pounds. Gotta love when gaining weight is a good thing.

    Melissa~ Congrats on passing the GD test!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(melissak @ Aug 15 2007, 03:26 PM) [snapback]369463[/snapback]
    Had my Gestational Diabetes test today and passed! woo HOO!

    Great news!!! :clapping:

    QUOTE(Beth*J @ Aug 15 2007, 08:52 PM) [snapback]369610[/snapback]
    12 weeks today! Woo hoo! That seems insignificant compared to some of the milestones all you ladies have had, but I guess I have to start somewhere. My appointment today was awesome! I love my OB. I went with a huge list of questions and she spent an hour answering all of them. Last week I called to see if I was getting an ultrasound (to find out if I should have DH come with me) and the nurse told me that I would not get another one until I was 20 weeks and that would be it unless I was having problems. I asked if she remembered I was having twins and she said yes, this was standard. So I've been worried about that. Well, I guess I didn't need to worry. I think I am quickly learning that I shouldn't just blindly trust what the nurse tells me. The dr. told me she wants me to have one next week, and at 20 weeks, and every month after that to keep an eye on the babies' growth and my cervix. She told me that the babies each have their own sac and placenta, so that's great. Hopefully that means fewer problems. We heard both the heartbeats with the doppler. The doctor was thrilled that I have gained two pounds. Gotta love when gaining weight is a good thing.

    Melissa~ Congrats on passing the GD test!

    Beth-12 weeks is a huge milestone too. :clapping:
  6. missusbecker

    missusbecker Well-Known Member

    i had another mixed bag peri appt today. my baby b is growth restricted so we have been watching that. the good news is she gained 7 oz since 2 weeks ago and seems to be fine, though she is still in 10th percentile. she has good fluid and heartbeat and got an 8/10 on her biophysical profile. baby a is right on track for growth and is doing great.

    but now mama is falling apart. my cervix shortened from 32 to 24 mm over the past 2 weeks. i was put on contraction monitor for an hour and only had one so they sent me home. i have an ffn test tomorrow. if its postitive i most likely will have to be hospitalized for a couple days so they can watch me more closely and get some steriod shots for the babies.

    fingers crossed i get a negative ffn result and my cervix stays put for a few more weeks!
  7. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    MissusBecker~ I hope you get good results tomorrow with your ffn test. Great news about Baby B gaining some weight. Please update us about your test tomorrow if you can.
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