Today is the day

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dmhooten, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. dmhooten

    dmhooten Well-Known Member

    I am worried that they aren't going to get enough milk....they aren't real thrilled with the change as of this moment and DD has hardly drank anything this morning, usually by now they have 8 oz of milk in them along with some water. DS actually took to it better than she did at my surprise. He has had about 4 oz of milk so far. They are 18 months old. I decided to take away all daytime bottles and just let them have them nighttime one while they are getting ready for bed for a while.....should I be really worried about it? They take 8 oz before bed so they will get that much, but I know they need twice that amount for the day.....any suggestions?

    Oh and now they are not wanting to go to sleep and I think it is because they are missing their milk so they are probably feeling hungry still.....
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls drastically reduced their intake when we switched to sippies. It took them a few days, maybe close to a week, to figure out that's all they were getting and honestly about a month to get back up to about 12-16 ounces per day. I wouldn't worry.

    I offered the sippy to my girls literally all day long in the beginning. Once they got used to it, we brought it out for meals and an occasional gulp here and there.
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Ditto Michelle. With all of my kids, it took at least three days before they drank more than about 4oz out of the cup. Feed them alot of fruit to make up for the missing liquids for a few days and they'll figure out if they want milk, they have to use the cup.
  4. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    Well, you're not alone! Today, i did the same thing. Still planning on giving the bottle at night too. Mainly bc i want them to go to bed on full bellies. But the reason i started today was bc for the last 4 days, they have been refusing the bottle. Ds still is drinking it in pm, Dd hasn't touch any milk in 3 days. So, i am worried too. She does eat a lot of cheese and yogurt, so at least the dairy is there. Do your twins eat cheeses and yogurt? If so, that can count towards their milk intake. I am just going with milk in sippies at meals. Then the bottle before bed. And hopefully, they will start drinking it again. Ds did drink 4 oz from a sippy with dinner last night. That was the first time he really drank his milk from the sippy. Then drank 8 oz before bed. Dd didn't drink any yesterday and hasn't yet today either. Ugh!!! Good luck! Hopefully by the end of the week, we will both have kids that drink their milk!

  5. dmhooten

    dmhooten Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone....that makes me feel better. They do love cheese and yogurt and they have one or the other almost everyday, I forget that that counts toward the milk ;) I am glad to hear that it will take a couple of days for them to adjust, I had a feeling it would, I just wanted to make sure that if they refuse it for a few days all together, it won't be a major problem :)
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dmhooten @ Jun 28 2008, 01:40 PM) [snapback]850865[/snapback]
    Thanks everyone....that makes me feel better. They do love cheese and yogurt and they have one or the other almost everyday, I forget that that counts toward the milk ;) I am glad to hear that it will take a couple of days for them to adjust, I had a feeling it would, I just wanted to make sure that if they refuse it for a few days all together, it won't be a major problem :)

    That's great that they are getting cheese and yogurt in too.

    One other thing I thought of. A friend of mine said her pedi said to look at the average milk intake for the week, rather than on a daily basis. That helped me not worry so much.
  7. caba

    caba Banned

    Interesting ... my pedi said to make sure they got at least 8oz in a day ... that's it! So between what they drink in their sippies, yogurt, cheese, etc, I'm sure they are surpassing it ...

    We made the transitional relatively smoothly ... the hardest part for me is that I give them a sippy with milk before bed ... and they rarely have any interest in it ... I assume it's because they are not hungry/thirsty .. and they still sleep fine, and this has been going for 2 months since their 1st birthday ... but I remember how they downed that bottle, and I always worry that they aren't getting enough ...

    But then I tell myself, they are happy, growing, eating, etc. They will let me know when they need more, whther it's food, milk, or something else. So good luck! They will eventually drink more from the cup, and if they don't, maybe htey just don't need it ...
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