Today, I'm the best mommy...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by klselsky, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. klselsky

    klselsky Well-Known Member

    I love the posts where we confess why we are or were the worst mommy of the day. Lord knows I've had my moment to confess. But I was thinking, why don't we post our best or most proud mommy moments? We all have successes each day that probably deserve more credit than we give them.

    Today I was the best mommy, because I had all three of my girls asleep, in the same room, for over an hour. My big girl fell asleep on the floor in quiet time while I rocked the twins. Covered her up with a blanket, and off to dreamland they all went. (Of course you can also reference my 4 year old haircutting post on parents board and decide for yourself if I really am the best mommy of the day!)

    I'd love you hear your best mommy moments!
  2. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    what a great idea!!

    let's i was a good mommy because--it's our first night all alone (DH is out of town) and both babies were asleep by 8:15 pm--AND i took them to my mom's this afternoon!

    i think this is something i will take up nightly as i lay in bed!!
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I like the idea of this too. I don't have a moment from today yet, babies are still asleep. I will post one though when it happens!
  4. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    I am the best mommy this week - all 4 kids and DH are throwing up. And I haven't thrown up yet, and more importantly - I haven't lost my cool...yet....
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Great idea!! I'll join in...

    Yesterday I was the best momma because I was able to cook dinner while the girls napped (just don't ask how long it took for them to stop partying and fall asleep. :blink:)

    They didn't have one scrap of baby food yesterday! All big girl food (including pizza which DH gave them for lunch).
  6. lhoran

    lhoran Well-Known Member

    I feel great because yesterday I was able to take my 4 year old and babies to the library. They were wide awake when we got there which made me nervous, but soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep. I helped my dd pick out books for herself, her sisters and myself. I saw a couple of friends and chatted. The boys then slept for 2 hours after. Boy did I feel accomplished!!!!

  7. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I was a great mommy last night because I got the kids to bed by 9 and they slept till 6:30 (even dd in her crib!)
  8. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I was the best mommy because I snuck out of work and took my girls to the park and they LOVED it. We sat on the picnic blanket and ate lunch (salad and cookies for me, banana pieces, sippy cups and nibblers full of pears for them). Then I put them both in a baby swing -- this was a huge hit. I slid them down the slides and even took them on the big kid slides on my lap. The girls' nanny came with us so I had adult help, but seeing their smiles and how eager they were to crawl on the grass made me fell like a wonderful mom. On top of that, the fresh air tired them out and they ate and napped wonderfully the rest of the day and were asleep at 6:15pm (until 5:30 this morning! Yipee).
  9. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    I'm the best Mommy (a few days ago) because I took all my girls (11 1/2 month old twins and my 3 1/2 year old) to the zoo all by myself. It was in the mid-60s and the sun was out so I really wanted to get the girls outside. I was a little nervous about going by myself so far from home, but we had a great time and everyone was good. I felt like super Mom.

    It snowed 2" last night!
  10. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Good idea...I was a good mommy a couple days ago because I managed to cut the boys' hair for the first time and no one was left bleeding or looking horrible.

    Yesterday I was a good mommy because I managed (alone) to pick up both boys from daycare with fevers, give tylenol then give motrin, suction noses, give Albuterol, give hugs and love, fix dinner, give baths and get them to bed on time without losing my mind.
  11. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    last night I was by myself with the babies, SO was out. I gave each one a bath one at a time, then fed and put them down for bed. All without any fusses, they kept on smiling. I gave myself a pat on the back for happy, clean babies and I got myself some much needed sleep.
  12. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Today I am the best mommy because I got the twinks to STTN with only about 30 seconds of fussing, got all five girls out of bed at 7am, fed them all hot and toasty pancakes, dressed everyone, sent one out the door to the bus and am now on TS drinking coffee in my PJs!! :8714bumper: I also think I am the best mommy because I love to help with homework, try to get one on one time with my kiddos, help my big girls at church on Wed. nights and they love that I take "time off" of the babies just to help with their activities! I am teaching my 4yo to write her long/confusing name RaeLynn! And I breastfeed my twinks still and am very proud of myself for it. I like this thread!!
  13. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I am a good mom today because...

    I made the babies blueberry pancakes for breakfast instead of the normal frozen whole wheat waffles (EGGO) or bagels.

    Jack loved them; however, Lily picked the blueberries out of them and was actually able to eat all of the blueberries and none of the pancake. She has been head over heals for blueberries since she first tried them about two weeks ago. I cannot believe that at 9 months old she sat there and picked the blueberries out of her pancakes - I did not know whether to laugh or cry :)!!!!

  14. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    I'm the best mommy because I have fed my babies every single meal in their lives for 6 months. They won't take a bottle and I'm so very very very sad (and sometimes mad) about that, but I'm working on just realizing what a feat this is to have done this with no break for 6 months...until I can get them to take a bottle I'll keep reminding myself that someday I'll look back and remember how hard it was, but I did it anyway.

    Oh...I'm also the best mommy because I have the two most amazing babies in the whole world (well, in my whole world) and they are mine all mine...okay and a little bit DH's too ;) !
  15. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I am the best mommy because I got up this morning and cooked sausage and biscuits for the twins, and fed Katie and got her down for a nap, and the boys are pleased and playing well!!

  16. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I'm the best mommy because I love my kids and always try to do what's good for them even if they hate it. So in that respect we are all good mothers! :D Also, I did not yell at my 3 yo for peeing the entire way down the hallway this morning. :)
  17. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I am a great mommy because I take care of the twins all day long and find time to make DH lunch and dinner. I take the boys out everyday and make time for friends. I think it's important to show the boys to care for the things that are important to us. Sometimes I think I'm more a great wife than a great mommy since I let DH train all day Sat. for his triathlons. I only get his help with the twins for about 2 hrs a day...including weekends. I feel like super mom EVERY day!
  18. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I am a great mommy today because I got my butt up at 6:30 - before the babies were up! - got myself ready and the diaper bag packed, gave bottles, made breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, dressed them and was out the door by 9am. Met another twin mom at the mall and walked 3 miles, ate a peaceful lunch with her at Panera, fed the babes, went to BRU and Joann, came home and put both girls down for naps....and all this was done without a tear to be seen!

    They are now sleeping like champs, even though we are getting new siding on the house and the guy is outside their window pounding away!!
  19. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I am a great mom because I take care of my babies all day and evening by myself 5 days a week as Dh works 12-12. I have them STTN so I get me time after 7 pm. I am still bf at 7 mo and they are both eating food pretty well.

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