To seperate or not??? Not sleeping!!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by toddlertwins, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. toddlertwins

    toddlertwins Well-Known Member

    My 2 are still in cribs but climbing in and out and in to each others! They're not getting hurt doing it at all - just having fun! They're not coming out of the room but they're keeping each other up laughing, playing etc... till almost 11 at night (we put them down at 7:30). This was happening at nap time and I finally seperated them for that and it's pretty much cured - they fall right asleep. My issue is I really don't want to seperate them. I love them together and their closeness but don't know what else to do. It's driving us CRAZY and not healthy for them to be up that late. We've taken stuffed animals - they don't care - blankies away - don't care (we give them back if they're quiet). Last night I shut the hall light off and shut their door for a few minutes and feel so bad because they scream because I think they're scared of the dark. It seemed to quiet them but by that time it was 10:30 already!!UGH!

    Would you seperate them or ride it out another month or so???? Is there anything that worked for you?
  2. toddlertwins

    toddlertwins Well-Known Member

    My 2 are still in cribs but climbing in and out and in to each others! They're not getting hurt doing it at all - just having fun! They're not coming out of the room but they're keeping each other up laughing, playing etc... till almost 11 at night (we put them down at 7:30). This was happening at nap time and I finally seperated them for that and it's pretty much cured - they fall right asleep. My issue is I really don't want to seperate them. I love them together and their closeness but don't know what else to do. It's driving us CRAZY and not healthy for them to be up that late. We've taken stuffed animals - they don't care - blankies away - don't care (we give them back if they're quiet). Last night I shut the hall light off and shut their door for a few minutes and feel so bad because they scream because I think they're scared of the dark. It seemed to quiet them but by that time it was 10:30 already!!UGH!

    Would you seperate them or ride it out another month or so???? Is there anything that worked for you?
  3. mand3asmom

    mand3asmom Member

    Hi there, I feel your pain! My two are a little older but about 4 months ago we had to seperate them too... not becuase of the night time playing but, my girl needs much more rest than my boy and he wakes at 5 every morning, so he was waking her up and she was getting very miserable about it... So we gave them each their own room, and it is heaven for them lol... he can get up and play without annoying her, and she sleeps till almost 7 most days....

    We worried about losing the closeness too but it hasnt and as soon as we say they can come out, he heads right to her room to kiss her good morning, it is very cute, but there is more peace for sure!
  4. toddlertwins

    toddlertwins Well-Known Member

    I know realistically they would still be close, I mean they're together 24-7 but I guess part of me thinks it's cute when they sing and laugh etc... of course not cute at 11pm though! I wonder if I could seperate them temporarily and then put them back when they're older to understand "Close those eyes or else...."? I'm stupid, but pictured the bunk beds etc... with them. UGH I hope this is a phase!
  5. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    Get over your need for what they already have! They are not going to lose their closeness at all. I have actually had my girls separated since 6 months due to nap/bedtime sleeping. They are so close. Just because they go nightnight in another room doesn't change that. Remember too when they get older they will probably venture into eachothers room and sleep together. I know I did that with my sis and we weren't twins.
    I like them to have some sense of independence from eachother as well. But sleep issues are not at our house because our set up is separate rooms. So I still get naps and bedtime without problems. I know that every child is different but if space is not an issue, separate them. You will feel liberated! The kids will love it!
  6. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    If you have the available space, seperating them might help things. That way, they can't climb in and out of each others cribs and keep the other awake...
  7. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Hi there, I feel your pain! My two are a little older but about 4 months ago we had to seperate them too... not becuase of the night time playing but, my girl needs much more rest than my boy and he wakes at 5 every morning, so he was waking her up and she was getting very miserable about it... So we gave them each their own room, and it is heaven for them lol... he can get up and play without annoying her, and she sleeps till almost 7 most days....

    We worried about losing the closeness too but it hasnt and as soon as we say they can come out, he heads right to her room to kiss her good morning, it is very cute, but there is more peace for sure!

    This is exactly our situation. We seperated them at 5 months, but them back together at a year, and just sperated them again a few days ago. Things are much better now. I think sometimes they NEED to be alone, ya know?
  8. sawyertwinsmom

    sawyertwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I completely agree with the pp. Our two were in the same crib for about 1 month, in separate cribs in the same room until they were 10 months old... and have been in different rooms since then. I really believe that it was the best thing we did was to separate them. My two are still really close and will hardly leave a room without the other one not too far behind. But I feel that if their NOT sleeping is causing stress and disruption in the family with everyone else it is soooo necessary to separate them.
  9. MellysLittleBoos

    MellysLittleBoos Well-Known Member

    We seperated our girls at 9 months because one kept waking early and waking her sister up. What we did was we put the cribs footboard to headboard. That way they could still share toys with each other through the bars or over the bars when they learned to stand. It worked out great for us. They were still close enough to interact with each other and we didn't have any issues with them waking each other up. When they moved to toddler beds we kept the beds close together too. Right now they are sleeping together on the futon part of their bunkbed with big sis on the top. To they are back together really lol. I thought there would be a huge issue with them fighting over space but there wasn't. They seem to enjoy sleeping next to each other again.
  10. toddlertwins

    toddlertwins Well-Known Member

    What about crib tents?? Would you spend the $$ this late in the game or just go to seperating? I know it wouldn't stop the socializing but it would stop the getting up and down out of bed.
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