To separate or not to separate in VPK?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bktdr, May 14, 2008.

  1. bktdr

    bktdr Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone! Perhaps some of you moms can give me some opinions on separating twins when they go into school?

    My sons are going to be 4 in August...they will begin a VPK (volunteer pre-kindergarten) at that time. They are in full time daycare now and have always been in the same room together. I've been asked if I want the boys separated for VPK which is only 3 hours a day however they will be in separate rooms for the entire day.

    Can anyone offer some advice or opinion on this subject? I am very torn which way to go. I was going to separate them however now I'm waivering and think I want to keep them together until at least kindergarten.


    Thanks so much for any help you can lend!!!

    Kim :)
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Kim, for me I have to ask myself - does one do all the talking for the other? Do they play independently or do they tend to rely on each other "too much" (Personally, not sure there is too much before K - but I have no scientific evidence for that! :D). If you think they would THRIVE MORE separated, then I would do that! If they are doing just fine, not sure it's necessary yet.

    I know there are several teachers on this board who will likely weigh in on that!
  3. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    I would talk to the director of the facility where you are sending them to VPK (gotta love the program- Micah is finishing his VPK year up now :)) Maybe you can do a "trial" and see how they do separately. If you can get that adjustment out of the way BEFORE the big change of kindergarten it might make the transition to regular school easier.
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    IMO, I think the decision to separate has a lot to do with personality. For example, my Allison tends to dominate Sarah and we really want Sarah to develope her own since of who she is. So, unless things change, Sarah and Allison will be separated when they go to school. Some twins just have that natural need to be together, while others can handle being apart. You could keep them together this year, since they are experiencing something new. Then, next year you could separate.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    What do your boys want? I know the final decision is yours, and they probably can't think through all the ramifications, but at age 4, I'd take their preferences into account. (At least I think that now -- mine are only 2.5, though).
  6. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I teach 2nd grade, but I know here in VPK, most of the twins stay together for PreK then are apart for K...which I think is what I might do. Give them that first year of comfort and then hope they can hang on their own.
  7. bktdr

    bktdr Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for your responses! I will let you know which way we decide to go! BTW...when asked, they both said they wanted to stay together so I'm leaning toward keeping them together for pre-K then holding my breath and separating for kindergarten. They are pretty independent however Tyler does tend to follow Dillon a bit so I hope once he hits K he'll be okay without his brother all day.

    Thanks again...I appreciate it!!

    Kim :)
  8. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    We separated. It is only for 3 hours & I think that would be an easier transition than in K when it is all day right from the start.
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