To much fluid in kidneys?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Almost 40, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Almost 40

    Almost 40 New Member

    I was in on Tuesday for my 26 week level II u/s. Everything looked great - with the exception of baby a (boy) having to much fluid in his kidneys. The u/s tech says this is pretty common, especially in boys. The dr. wasnt to concerned either and just said that he would need to be checked at his first 2 week appointment, but that only about 3% of the time does this turn into anything. We had the CVS test done, and all looked well with that. I am trying not to stress about this, and NEVER should have tried to look online for info on this. Just wondering if anyone else has ever heard of this and what the outcome was.

    Thanks for your input!!
    - Sue
  2. lleddinger

    lleddinger Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to assure you that it is common. My dd's boys both had this and like you she was concerned about it. Her peri assured her that it was common in boys and that it would most likely resolve at/before birth which it did. Even if it doesn't resolve at birth I think it's pretty easy to treat..
    Lindy, mom to Steph and Nana to
    Cameron and Corey
  3. Almost 40

    Almost 40 New Member

    Thanks for the comforting words - guess we worry about everything, from conception thru their adulthood - it will never end!!
  4. lindsay084

    lindsay084 Well-Known Member

    my friend was told the same thing at her U/S last week, and she is also having a boy. the tech didnt seem too worried about it and i guess it goes away on its own most of the time!!
  5. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    i was also told the same thing at 18 weeks, and again at 22 weeks. but what they told me is that it is common, they will continue to monitor it, and that the kidneys were no larger at 22 weeks than 18 weeks, even though baby a had almost doubled his size in those 4 weeks. even if it is an issue, it's not life threatening, or even life-altering, so that's good.
  6. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    My sister's baby A was diagnosed with the same thing in utero and is now a healthy 1 year old. They had follow up appts when the baby was first born and some antibiotics initially, but she's doing wonderfully now! good luck and try not worry (easier said than done!! :)
  7. cgplanner

    cgplanner Active Member

    We had this same issue with one of our twins around 22 weeks. They said it was pretty normal and may correct itself. I made myself crazy about it and it turned out at the next ultrasound 3 weeks later it had corrected itself and they have been fine since. They say it is very common in boys. Hang in there and try not to stress about it.
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