TMI WARNING! Bad case of vomitting and I think I am dehydrated

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AngelKLP13, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies. I will be 28 wks tomorrow and today I have been extremely sick. My son and I are in Dallas visiting my husband cuz he works out of town. We hv been here since thursday. We live in Houston 4 hrs away. I plan to drive home tomorrow. I woke up today with a horrible stomach ache. It has continued all day. I have vomited atleast 7 times today, can't keep anything down not even water or gatorade. I feel so dehyrated and weak from the vomiting. Does this warrant a call to my doctor? Every time I stand up to get sick I get this sudden dropping feeling like the babies are going to fall out. Followed by sharp pain. I am having horrible menstrual like pain encircling from my lower back to my lower front. Not sure if these are contractions or due to vomiting so much. Lasts 30 secs atleast and every 15 to 20mins.

    I am so scared that I am dehydrated and that it will bring on ptl. Like I said earlier I am 4 hrs away from my doctor. What should I do?
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Dehydration does cause PTL! I would definitely call your Dr before you attempt to drive for 4 hours, and if you can't get a hold of your Dr you can always go into L&D and get checked out. Don't feel bad about calling, that's what they are there for. It's so much better to be safe than sorry. I am sorry that you are feeling so bad, I hope it lets up for you soon and everything is OK. :hug: Keep us posted!
  3. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    I would call your Dr. - BUT I would also head to the nearest hospital with a L&D department and go there NOW! Dehydration can cause PTL, as pp stated, and you may need anti nausea meds and an IV for fluids. I wouldn't risk driving home until you are given the OK by a Dr.
  4. DebDai

    DebDai Well-Known Member

    I had the flu when I was preggie an had to get IV fluids cause I couldnt keep anything down. You need to call your doc and tell them. They may send you to the ER for fluids tonight. They might also give you something for the vomiting, to stop it. :hug: Hope you feel better soon.
  5. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    I went to the ER many times with dehydration with each of my 3 pregnancies. GO! They will give you IV's which help incredibly.

    eta: any hospital will do. Just explain your situation. They will ask you to give a urine sample and test it for keytones which indicate dehydration and your boday beginning to turn on itself. (I always had them). Bring a book it takes awhile.
  6. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    Go get some IV fluids...pronto!

    Keep us posted.
  7. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    I hope you went to the ER! Let us know how you are feeling! I hope you feel better soon!
  8. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    I had a stomach virus when I was pregnant (not as far along as you) and was able to take some suppositories to help with the nausea. I could not keep anything down, not even tylenol I took for fever. We called the dr. and she called in the med. But if you think you are dehydrated I hope you went to the ER!
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