Tired of Cleaning up Puke at bedtime

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by paulacraft1, May 22, 2009.

  1. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    So I started a thread and now I can't find it anywhere saturday or sunday about my dd and how she just started refusing to go to bed at night and starts screaming once in the crib when I leave. She did this Saturday night and screamed so much she threw up! ;( (A lot). Thank God my sister was visiting and able to help me clean her up and get her back in bed, but it didn't end there. She cried again and again and again. She suggested I sit in her room/doorway with my back to her not talking to her so she knew I was there. It worked that night and the next night (still crying but not throwing up). The next night (mon) I found one of those nice light shows that shine on the ceiling and have music and she liked that and so didn't cry at all for mon or tues or wed with that. Then last night I did the same as I have been with the light show and of course our nightly routine (dinner/bath/snack/stories/bed) and she started screaming as soon as in her crib. I came back right away and sat in her doorway but it didn't help, she threw up anyway.
    I had to clean up her by myself (my husband is in Korea and has been since last July but will be back tomorrow for good FINALLY) and get her back in bed at which point of course she continued to the point of screaming again. I was afraid she'd throw up again so I sat by her bed and patted her back during which she got quiet and would start to fall asleep but as soon as I would stop she would wake up and scream. I decided that wasn't something I wanted to do every night and went back to the doorway, she got worse so I decided to close the door, leaving it open a crack and sit outside the door, not sure if she could see me or not. She cried but FINALLY went to sleep, this all took place from 730pm to 820pm but seemed like hours to me! :(
    My question is how do I end this? I do not want to clean up puke every night at bedtime. She has always slept good and never complained about bedtime before. Once asleep she sleeps through the night and does not call me at all so that is confusing to me as I figured if it was sep anxiety or a fear of the dark, she would continue to wake up and cry every few hours....I do not like cio but I am NOT putting her in my bed nor do I want to start something like rocking her or sleeping with her on a mattress as I am NOT willing to do this from here on out......so what do I do? Yes it is possible she is teething and getting molars as she is now 15 months old but I gave her motrin before bed last night.....
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I am so sorry that you are still going through this, I know that I would be tired of cleaning up puke myself. I know you said that you are opposed to CIO and I don't know how much time you have to read but there is book that does help with sleep problems:
    Sleep Solutions for Your Baby, Toddler, & Preschooler by Ann Douglas...she does have some suggestions to common sleep problems. I wish I had some advice for that would automatically work.

    Here is your original thread:
  3. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    ugh charlotte does this too! she makes herself gag when you put her down for a nap she had only thrown up a couple of times but NOT what you want to do for a power struggle:(
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't really have any advice for you since I did CIO and never dealt with puking but I have heard others say their kids do the exact same thing. :hug:
  5. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    no advice other than CIO. Just wanted to offer hugs :hug: from a mom of a scream til you puke kid.
  6. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i had this issue with ivana last summer. she realized that if she pukes, i'll go in and rescue her from her crib. i called the pedi and asked what i should do and he told me to go in, not make any eye contact with her, clean her crib up, clean HER up with a very cold washcloth, basically making it a very unpleasant experience for her. then put her back to bed, and if she does it again, just clean her up again the same way. amazingly that worked for us.
    let me just say that the pedi first suggested that i just leave her there, puke and all. that it'll DEFINITELY be the last time she does it! but i couldn't do that. the thought of cleaning up dried puke the next morning, and leaving her in that was too much.
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :hug: I never had to deal with puking but I really feel for you!
  8. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    Thank you. Yesterday afternoon I went to the library to research this as best as I could with 2 in tow.....found some things saying to giver her toys in her crib, can't do that, I disagree but books I could so gave her two books last night and she was so surprised she didn't cry and went to sleep but I had set my mind already to do just what you said if she pukes, no eye contact, clean her up. Do you take her out of the crib as you clean if you have to change the sheets? or just move her?
    Ok cold washcloth, got it. Thanks.
  9. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(paulacraft1 @ May 23 2009, 04:44 AM) [snapback]1325301[/snapback]
    Thank you. Yesterday afternoon I went to the library to research this as best as I could with 2 in tow.....found some things saying to giver her toys in her crib, can't do that, I disagree but books I could so gave her two books last night and she was so surprised she didn't cry and went to sleep but I had set my mind already to do just what you said if she pukes, no eye contact, clean her up. Do you take her out of the crib as you clean if you have to change the sheets? or just move her?
    Ok cold washcloth, got it. Thanks.

    you know, i forgot, that was another thing i started doing. i gave them frozen teething rings at naptime and bedtime soon after that as a way to distract them, (and they still insist on those teething rings!)
    when i'd clean her up, i'd sort of maneuver the sheets off around her, then take off her jammies. then i'd take her to the changing table and clean her up (not saying a word the whole time). then i'd put her on the floor while i'd change her sheets. put her back in her crib and walk out! maybe a quick "i love you" but that's it.
    i hope the book idea keeps working for you, though!
  10. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    Ok good teething rings, that is better than toys. I will just put a bunch of stuff to prepare for it ahead of time....
    and awesome on the clean up.....how long till it stopped?
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