tired of being tired

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mar66rus2, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    First of all, I want to apologize on responding to posts. I just have no energy, but read all of them! Congrats to those who have had their twins in the past couple of weeks, and GL to those who will be very soon!!

    I have come to a point where I feel like I will never have a day where I feel good. My energy is still really bad. I couldn't even go to the grocery store, and we ate at the restaurant across the street from it. Plus, I am offering to work 1/2 day tomorrow...sub teacher.

    Do you ever get your energy back....even a little bit??

    I am sooo blessed to have these babies, but the fatigue is way worse than I expected.

  2. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] it's so hard...honestly, i think that there wasnt a night taht i wasnt in bed by 8 or 9 at night. That's early for me. Anyawys, i wish i could tell you that it got better for me but it really didnt, until i had the boys, i was soooo tired and i just had to push myself to get out and do things anyways....good job for teaching though - i taught until we found out we were pg with twins and then we moved back to our hometown to be with family. Good Luck and if you feel the need to rest and relax, by all means, do. You got two little babies in there and they need the rest as well.
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I was really tired in my first trimester but it did go eventually, I too was in bed by 8pm each night in the beginning. Have you had your iron checked? If not, you might want to as that may be why you are especially tired!
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I was very fatigued while pregnant with mine also... I had a schedule that I repeated everyday. I slept until 11 AM every morning, then napped at 2-4... then went to bed... I laid on the couch the entire time, and watched TV... (I guess you can say I put myself on bedrest, LOL)

    Hang in there [​IMG]

    I always found that I had more energy when I ate.
  5. twins=4

    twins=4 Member

    I was really tired for the first 14-16 weeks, and it has gotten better for me. Unfortunatly, I have to say that other discomforts that come with being big have taken its place.
  6. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    It does get better. But then about 32 wks I think it gets worse again.. but not near as bad as it was at the begining. I didnt realize a person could sleep so much during one day. I felt so sorry for my other kids who had to watch me sleep or spend so many days with grandma!! you will feel better soon!! Hang in there!
  7. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    It's totally normal to be that tired. I found that i had a nice respite at about 20 - 24 weeks; but then i got really tired and slow again. Don't fight it - definitely have your iron checked, and try to eat foods that will stay with you and stay hydrated - that made a HUGE difference for me.
  8. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I've got to agree with Jordari--There was a nice window in there where I felt pretty good...but now I'm back to sheer exhaustion. I tried to go grocery shopping last week and barely made it out of the store without passing out. I had to sit in my car for 10 minutes just to get enough energy to drive home. The other night I went to bed when my 2 year old did! (7:30 pm) and I slept until 8 the next morning....then had a nap that day. I'm astounded at how tired I am all the time. It takes a lot of work to build two people!

  9. JessicaD

    JessicaD Well-Known Member

    I had the extreme fatigue in the first trimester, too. I can remember feeling like I was going to go face first on my keyboard at work! I even came up with a 5 minute power nap solution...I'd go sit in a bathroom stall with my head in my hands and close my eyes for a few minutes...it actually helped! [​IMG]
  10. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    I was really tired for the first 14-16 weeks, and it has gotten better for me. Unfortunatly, I have to say that other discomforts that come with being big have taken its place.

    This has been my exact experience as well. Although i should note that, for me, being "better" means that I no longer nap several times a day. It does not mean that I can do as much as i used to be able to do.
  11. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I was completely drained during my first trimester; however, it changed drastically during the second and I found I had the energy that I needed to feel a bit like a "normal" person again. I am 27 weeks right now and do tend to feel a bit tired again but, NOTHING like the first trimester. I am sure to drink tons of water and always stay hydrated. I have always been a healthy eater so during my first trimester I got a bit carried away with "eating for three" and found myself eating things I usually don't - carb heavy, sugar heavy, donuts, casseroles, etc... It just didn't make me feel very good and after a couple of weeks of that I switched back to my normal meals...i.e. oatmeal and blueberries, bananas, whole wheat veggie sandwiches, granola bars, cottage cheese, yogurt, ANY CHEESE, and lots of chicken, meat, and pork. I don't know if the two are related but I started feeling better immediatly.
    I will also say I walk every morning, even when it seems I am too tired. I do this first thing and I swear it gets me going and helps with my energy level for the entire day. I am definitly slowing down now (and am sure I will hit a wall soon) but I am still walking and as long as I feel good and the doctors say go for it- I am going to. It also keeps me "regular" if you know what I mean.

    I hope this is helpful
  12. ExpectingTwins 7-31-07

    ExpectingTwins 7-31-07 Well-Known Member

    I know how you are feeling. I am going through the same always tired problem right now. And it seem that all of the sudden people want to go out and do things. It's amazing how many people want to be your friend when they know you are having twins. [​IMG] And if you are like me you have to take it from day to day making plans. Most of the time I don't want to get out of the bed because I get out of breath and can't hold my eyes open. Maybe that is natures way of trying to help us get our sleep before out little bundles of joy arrive. [​IMG]

  13. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I had no energy when I was pregnant, I would go a week without doing laundry or cleaning. But than I would get these little energy spurts and do all of the cleaning and laundry (this wouldn't happen to often). I'm really just getting back to my normal self now. I clean maybe 3 times a week now and work full time and take care of the house, kids and Joe (Joe might as well be my 3rd kid). So don't worry it will come back.
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