tips for changing to big kid cups?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I've been reading about BPA in the sippies & it's got me a little freaked out. So I thought perhaps we'd try using some big kid cups. We tried a little milk this morning at breakfast, only a tiny bit at a time. When I put more in the glass, they just spill & splash. But then they didn't drink nearly as much milk as they usually do. :mellow: Ds also got upset when he got down from the table & wanted to take the cup with him, but I said no.....I think that just might take some getting used to.

    Any tips?
  2. mom_stacyX2

    mom_stacyX2 Well-Known Member

    I started out with the Take and Toss cups. First I got them used to keeping the cups up (unlike typical sippies). I've just recently started putting an ounce or 2 of water in the cups and they have to stay on the table when not in use, just like you are doing. I haven't used them for milk yet. I'm scared. :lol:
  3. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    We started with with water and very small amounts [like a sip or two] in plastic cups. Very small cups also helps. I would try different cups and see what works best for them in terms of size and shape. After a couple of months to help the transition of milk exclusively into open cups, I let them pick their own special cups. Oddly enough, both chose coffee mugs. Having a handle helps, especially with wet, sticky, dirty hands.

    Good luck!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Start with water and just let them practice. Also, make a big deal of the fact that these are the cups big kids drink out of. And we always make the girls use two hands.

    Daycare has a great rule -- during meals, the cup has to stay "behind the plate." I didn't even realize they had this rule until one night at dinner, Amy reminded Sarah to move her cup behind the plate. :icon_biggrin: Of course, nothing can prevent spills completely, but that reduces the risk, at least.

    Once they get the hang of it, you may find that they actually drink more. Sarah only sips from a sippy, but will chug from an open cup.
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Start with small amounts and use cups that are kid sized. We use the Ikea kids cups and they are the perfect size for their little hands.
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Where do you find little cups like that? I mean, are you talking like Dixie cup size? I'm picturing something the size of a shot glass for some reason.

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