time out

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ahmerl, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    when they go by themselves?

    We are not a big timeout house. I generally first re-direct and second count 1-2-3. If 1,2,3 does not work or they make a game out of it I will tell them this is their warning and if they do______ again they will have to take "time".

    They rarely go in this kind of "time". Jack may go once every 2 months, if that. Lily, hardly ever. I do not use a packnplay (as they would have too much fun jumping around) or anything for time, just a wall in the back of the family room that I take them to and have them stand against.

    So, recently, when I say "this is your warning and it you do ____ again you will have to take a time", they then turn around and run over to the time spot and stand there. They do not even do the action again, they just run straight over there. This happen for the first time last month and I swear I had not even put them in time for like 2 months prior to that. Jack did it first and I thought it was funny but then Lily did it last night and I think that was actually the very first time she ever had to go to time. How the heck did she know what to do.

    so, when they go into time by themselves do you just let them stand there until you are ready to let them out (about 30 sec. for us) or what. I mean they are not even committing the crime that justifies the time, they just go over to time when I give them their warning! It is soooo funny.

    Also, just to add, if we are out in the yard and they go in the street they do get an immediate time (they get put inside the front door and stand there looking out the transoms while those of us not in timeout stay outside on the porch with our backs turned to the offender). They stay in this time for about 30 seconds and scream the entire time!

    So, do yours go into time by themselves? How do you stop from laughing? Do you let them stay there or do you change your whole time out strategy in the future? It is no big deal really, just a silly question. It is just hard to believe that they are taking me seriously when they do this. Actually, I think Jack does it to be funny , but I think Lily is really trying to do the right thing. She is sooo sweet and he is such a stinker :)!
  2. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    I'd enjoy it while it lasts! :)
    And yes, personally I'd let them saty in the corner until you say they can come out. It just makes it easier when you need them to stay in.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    My kids have done that before, and I let them stay there for the 2 minutes, or whatever, according to their age. Our time out is the bottom step, and they have also told ME to 'go sit on the steps Mom!'. :lol: Kids are so funny!
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Yes, mine have done that and it may not last. :rolleyes: At that age they really did go to the spot and I did let them stay for the time period. :pardon: At around 2 they stopped going to the spot and started running in the other direction. :lol:

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