Time for the switch!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by trustinHim, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    The boys will be 2 at the end of the month so I thought I'd post over here with our current dilemia:
    Bedtime and sleeping have become horrendous!! They have screamed the last two nights when they went to bed at 7:30 p.m. and cried for 30 minutes to an hour. One of them has been getting into the nasty habit of waking up in the middle of the night and crying. I go in to check and eventually pick up (Gasp) the crying child and attempt to put back to sleep. Used to be that I would stay and pat-pat until back to sleep but last night I thought screw it.. . time to CIO again I guess. He cried for 1 hour before he finally gave up and fell asleep at 3:30 a.m. The night before when this happened he woke his brother and they both were up at 2:30 a.m.
    Any thoughts as to why this is happening? Any suggestions from moms that have been there done that! ;o)
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member


    Every once in a while mine will go through that and we consistently let them CIO. If we ever go in there it only makes it worse. I have no idea why it happens and a couple times it's been because of the weather. They are either cold or hot and once I fix that things are better.
    Thankfully they pass quickly for us, I hope it goes the same for you guys!
  3. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    :welcome: We never did CIO which is probably why mine still don't sleep well, but I wanted to welcome you anyway!
  4. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    If they are cying at bedtime, is it because they aren't tired. Do you need to make naps earlier in the day or shorten then. That would be my first guess. My DD has had times of off andon waking up for several nights. I am a huge fan of CIO but it never worked for her in the middle of the night. Usually a drink, back rub, cover up and she would go back to sleep. She has also struggled with leg aches (growing pains), cramps in her calves, night mares, all of which have come and gone. Hope it gets better.
  5. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice!
    As far as adjusting nap times. . . that just isn't an option for us because they go to daycare and get their nap at 12:30-2:30.
    It may be too cold in their room so I think we'll adjust the temperature tonight.

    And I was getting so excited because they were sleeping in until 6-7 a.m.! They are usually up at the crack o' dawn!
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same phase and my kids are almost 6 months older! I think my kids just don't want to go to bed yet... we have to adjust bedtime every 6 months here, but I really don't want to give in this time, 8pm is late enough for me!

    We've always done CIO. If we go back in, it makes things worse. We've had to do CIO in the middle of the night maybe 3 times since 7 months.
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I won't even talk about bedtime, it is a bad subject in this house,my girls are 3 1/2 and I don't want to scare you LOL!!! But I will say :welcome: !!!!
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They all seem to go through phases where they don't sleep as well, I have no idea why it happens, but I have seen it happen over & over. They tend to work it out & go back to sleeping eventually. I would recommend that you just follow through with what ever type of sleep training you did originally (in this case, CIO) & it will probably pass fairly quickly. I hope so, anyway!

    :welcome: to 2-4!
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