Tie-On bib recommendations?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Oneplus2more, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    They keep pulling their $@#! bibs off!! I have to change their shirt/outfit everyday after lunch, and stopped dressing them for the day until after breakfast. The bibs I've found at my usual haunts - Meijer, Target are velcro or snaps. My little monkeys can get off both. :rolleyes: I'd rather just order online than bib shop all over town. I'd like them to be cute - but I don't want to spend boutique prices on them, these will be for everyday use. Any thoughts? Oh, also - I've thought about just using tee-shirts a few sizes to big - anyone do this?
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    There isn't a bib on the market that will stay on my guys unless they want it to stay on. That said, popover bibs were their favorite and no scratches from the velcro anymore (they look like a towel with a T-shirt neck). We found ours at BRU. Avoid the kind with the vinyl backing because it cracks after a dozen washings. The terry type is better.
  3. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    my girls are starting the rip thing as well.....i found something called silly billyz at target.com - they are like smocks w/long sleeves (SO tired of food on every single cuff/shirtsleeve!).....but -they ARE velcro.

    I LOVE the idea of big tshirts! I know for us the one consideration is they somehow manage to get food in whatever microscopic space exists between the bib top and their neck - or the neckline of their shirts.....

    i have some of the terry towel-like ones also; they work well as long as the neck is snug enough.
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I have some cheapo tie on bibs that I got at Target in the dollar spot. They don't pull them off since they don't know how to untie things very well.
  5. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    We gave up on bibs!!! Normally, my guys aren't too bad- but I did like the ones that look like a towel with a t-shirt neck the best. Also, another idea is if anyone is particularly crafty in the family... make some extra big bibs with a really well secured button instead. For us, all the bibs we find aren't wide or long enough.
  6. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    BUMKINS! These are the best! We bought the long sleeve kind and it ties behind the neck. Mine can't pull them off, and we are still using them at age 3+. They can be rather expensive, but I bought mine on Ebay (they were new) and liked them so much that i bought more. They are a coated nylon, which is waterproof, there's a pocket in front that catches all the food they drop (just be sure to check it before you do the wash), and the prints are pretty cute. They did seem awfully warm for summer, so I just cut some of them into short sleeves (Bumkins does sell a short sleeve version, but it closes with velcro). After 2 years they are starting to look worse for the wear, but they still work.

    We had tried all sorts of things before I found these, but they could get them all off (even the ones you pull over their heads they learned to take off on day 1).

    Good luck!
  7. PetiteFleur

    PetiteFleur Well-Known Member

    I use the vinyl snap bibs with the flap to catch stuff from Wal-Mart. Mine can't undo the snaps just yet, but have always taken the velco ones off.

    I can't imagine using cloth/fabric bibs every day. That's way too much laundry for me! We just put them in the sink and wash off or throw them in the dishwasher then let them dry.
  8. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    These are my favorite bibs ever:


    They each have three snaps to make them adjustable, but I swear babies can't get them off -- although unfortunately, they're not exactly cheap. Still, I have 7 of the toddler bibs (still use them with Nadia, if she's eating soup or something), and 8 of the baby bibs, and I would pay even more for them -- they're that good!

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