Throwing up after dinner

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nurseandrea02, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My boys are ALMOST a year (and being that most on the "First Year" forum are now younger & haven't started milk, I'm posting this here). We went to straight Whole Milk about 2 weeks ago (and all sippy cups just this week).

    The past week or so we've noticed that they're throwing up after dinner. Now, my boys have always been big pukers. Conner started to outgrow it around 10 mos or so & Aiden was still spitting up at least daily a month ago (usually after his formula bottles). They both did really good for a few weeks & now it's back again.

    Only this time it's ONLY after dinner. It's both of them. And it looks like curdled milk/cottage cheese. It stinks...REALLY bad. Each time it's about 2-3 tbsp, so nothing like they USED to throw up. They aren't throwing up at all during the day, just after dinner.

    And it doesn't matter what they ate. It doesn't always happen before or after their bedtime sippy cup, but it's been happening every night (and tonight on DH's head...LOL).

    Any clues as to what's going on? I'm going to ask my Ped at their 1 yr appt, but that's not for 2 weeks. I actually prefer infant formula spit up over this nasty stuff! And you can tell it bothers them because they spit it all out of their mouths (sometimes even scraping it out with their hands) & make horrible faces (and then usually grab their sippies to wash it down). It's so so disgusting.

    Any one else had this experience?
  2. *Lori*

    *Lori* Well-Known Member

    My boys had stomach problems with the switch to whole milk suddenly. My pedi said it should do wee but it didnt. I switched to pure lactaid for a few days to let their stomach settle then I slowly built it up to pure whole milk. This worked fine. U could go back to formula and slowly work to whole milk too.
  3. mom2znl

    mom2znl Well-Known Member

    I have boys who were always spit up a lot and puked a lot too. Fortunately it slowed down a lot as they got more used to solid food, cows milk etc. However, we had to get doctor's notes for their preschool so they won't get sent home automatically if they have a small puking episode. They are 3 and 1/2 years now, but just last week one threw up a tiny bit after lunch at school.

    I don't think mine did every night like that--but I also think we switched to milk a later than you are doing.

    Hope the puking settles down soon!
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Even though you have an appt. in 2 weeks, if it were me, I would call the pedi to get some advice about this rather than waiting. :hug99: Keep us posted!!
  5. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    This happened to us with Addison for like 2 weeks straight! we finally did NO milk at all except for in the am and all is well with her! She gets lots of cheese, yogurt, etc but no milk

    Mine are a little older then yours though so I'd defintiely check with the ped.

    This happened to us with Addison for like 2 weeks straight! we finally did NO milk at all except for in the am and all is well with her! She gets lots of cheese, yogurt, etc but no milk

    Mine are a little older then yours though so I'd defintiely check with the ped.
  6. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    I had the same sort of thing happen with Jack every night after dinner or right when we'd put them to bed- for about 4 months. It started at about 17 months though. We told the ped. and she didn't seem very concerned as they were gaining weight fairly equally and well. In our situation we discovered it was what he was eating... Raisins, grapes, blueberries, plums- anything with a skin. Of course we cut everything up for them- but apparently not enough for jack. When he'd lay down for bed or just settle down after dinner- he'd throw up his dinner! A lot was that stinky cheesy smelling milk! Icky!!! I think the skins weren't digested well for him or something...
    The dr. was amazed we found this out and agreed we shouldn't give him these items until he is 3 or 4!!! He hasn't thrown up since!!! Now, it has been about 5 months and I recently started raisins again- but cut each one about 3 or 4 times- and he has been fine. Strange!! So for us, it wasn't an allergy or intolerance- but just I think he didn't chew well and swallowed too big of pieces for his little digestive tract.
    If it is a milk thing- there are sooo many options- like soy or going back to an infant formula- definitely call the ped. hopefully yours can help you out!!!
    Best wishes
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I just saw this now! I tried to go cold turkey to milk with the girls, but both girls starting spitting up big time- curdles. Ana was always my spitter so I wasn't surprised with her, but I was surprised with Meara. After that, I started gradually changing them over mixing it with formula. It took over a month, but I got them on all milk without having anyone puking. GL!
  8. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Conner did a LITTLE puke today, but Aiden did not. Neither did yesterday, but they didn't have milk with dinner (we were at the fair so they just had water).

    If it is their bodies adjusting to the milk, why is it JUST after dinner? Wouldn't it be after every time they consumed milk? They don't do it at all during the day. It's baffling!

    Thankfully it's decreasing. Both my boys have gotten spitty when they were teething, so maybe it has something little to do with that since I know they both are. I can't wait til the day that they stop puking all over my house (then they'll probably start peeing...LOL)............
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Maybe you could mix their evening milk or just give formula for the next 2 weeks? I'm stumped :( Sorry!!! Call your pedi and see what they say!
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