Throwing Stuff of Highchair

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by PoshTwinMama, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. PoshTwinMama

    PoshTwinMama Member

    DSs have been throwing stuff off of the highchairs for months. The milk in the sippy cup is the worst because they always leak and we have dark hardwood floors :icon_eek: I've tried catching them doing it and saying "all done!" but I feel like I've been doing that for months! When do they stop doing this and did you have any success doing it? It's getting frustrating. TIA!
  2. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    We're are in the midst of this phase. First, I only put a few bites of food down on their tray at a time...that seems to help some. Sippy cups no longer are on the tray, I put them aside and offer the sippy periodically and take it back when they are done. I also hate the milk on my dark hardwoods! Otherwise, I have no good "solution" and I have no idea how long this will last. Hopefully, someone has something good to say.
  3. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    Same problem here.

    I bought this and it works like a charm for the sippy cups.

    My hardwoods are also stained by milk and I cannot seem to get them clean!
  4. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    We are in the same boat and I do the same thing with offering a few bites on their tray and taking the sippy cup back when they are done. Otherwise it is a game. It isn't as bad as it used to be because they now know I am not playing the game but that doesn't mean they still don't do it! lol One day we will look back and miss this.
  5. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    We dont have a problem with FOOD hitting the floor, it ALL goes in the mouth! :lol: But the sippies were a horrible thing! I have ceramic tile so the spills are no problem but Alyssa threw one so hard she cracked the lid!! Ceramic is terribly hard. Anyway I gave them three chances and after the 3rd time it hit the floor they were done until the end of the meal. I would give it back after they were down from their seats so they could finish it up. I guess it worked because it has not happened for a few weeks. The best was when Alyssa would look at you and say "no-no" and then CRASH, cup onto floor! :rolleyes:
  6. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We don't offer sippy cups in the high chair. My oldest laughed and it became huge game. We always start with plates but the minute they get lifted we dump the food on their tray. They have been getting better with tossing plates so we only have to remove the plates once or twice a meal.
  7. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    Right there with you! For me, I have the highchair booster seats that connect right to my dining chairs. When I feed the girls, I put them close enough to the table that they can put their sippys on the table when done sipping. This has worked for me for the most part. Whenever they put it there (I point and tell them put your sippy here) We high five!and I encourage and say good job! It's great. But they do throw them occasionally, and I just say No - we don't throw the sippys - we put them here when we are done" sometimes I feel like a broken record, but it's working as they will put it there more times than not now.
  8. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Here an idea! I don't know if this will work for some of you. I decided against no sippy cup w/milk or juice onto their high chair. They only get a small amount of water w/sippy cup while eating. In the beginning paper plate was flying onto the floor but gradually they start leaving the paper plate on their high chair. But I grab it as soon they're done and then I give them their milk w/sippy cup because I know they'll drink it in about 5 to 10 mins. I supervised them right there. But during meal time I do whatever I have to do to clean the kitchen.

    This elminates the milk stain onto the floor!
    Diana w/Rianna and Justin almost 18 mos this coming Sunday!
  9. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(7Ms @ Mar 28 2008, 09:17 AM) [snapback]692022[/snapback]
    The best was when Alyssa would look at you and say "no-no" and then CRASH, cup onto floor! :rolleyes:

    If I'm looking at Jonas, he'll grin, hold his sippy off to the side, drop it and give you puppy dog eyes and say "uh oh." Very cute but I have learned to not laugh.
  10. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    When mine were about 8 months old they started dropping food off the high chair at the beginning of one dinner. I said "no food on the floor! You must be all done." And I got them out of their high chairs and put dinner away. They were stunned. About 20 minutes later, they wanted to eat again since they were hungry. I put them back in the high chairs, said no food on the floor, and they ate dinner again. They are now 19 months old and they've never done it since. Mine like to eat too much. :D

    Now if they are done eating they play with the food and wiggle to get out. Which is fine with me! No more food on the floor.
    Best of luck!
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