Throwing food

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmberG, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    DS's food throwing has reached an all time high. He used to do it only at the end of meals. Now it basically lasts the entire meal. I've tried saying "no" and taking away his tray. Nothing has helped (he thinks its' funny and smiles as he throws his food). He does still need to eat. I usually end up feeding him his food myself and he does eat more food.

    DS is getting his molars, so maybe his mouth hurts and he's not that excited about eating? He's not as interested in nursing either.

    How do you handle food throwing? Was it just a phase or was it a continuous occurrence for you?
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    oh this is such a fun stage!! :rolleyes: Mine went through this as well and it will pass. The only thing that worked for mine was taking all the food away and giving them only 1 piece of food at a time. :hug: it shouldn't last long!
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys do this too, though it's gotten a bit better. One thing that helps is to not make a big deal about it. If I say "no" and try to take the food before they throw it, it just makes it a game and they do it worse. :gah:

    Now that they know they can't get a rise out of me, they usually only do it at the end of meals, and then we know the meal is over.

    Hope this helps! :)
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with both Brigette and Valerie, for with the kids, we discovered that the less of the reaction we gave , the less it seemed appealing to them. We also would give them one chance and the second time they threw food-meal time is over.
  5. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    I'm enduring this delightful stage also - you have my profound sympathy! The amount of food that ends up on my floor is driving me slightly insane. :wacko: I have found, like the other wise ladies here have said, that the less reaction I give, the less food flinging ensues. Thus saying, I can pretty much guarantee that Fiona will throw every vegetable and Sofia will throw every pice of fruit off their respective trays. :gah: When the speed and volume of food being flung increases, I take that as a sign the meal is over. Then I get to spend half and hour picking up after the little buggers. Oops, I mean "darlings" :laughing:
  6. twinfinite

    twinfinite Well-Known Member

    As others have mentioned --you have to ignore it. IGNORE IGNOrE IGNORE them and their smiley giggly faces. Even when a mushed up banana gets thrown at your face (as I have had this horrible experience happen to me). Keep a straight face and act like it's nothing unusual.

    Also, it's so difficult to restrain myself from not picking up the food from the floor and giving it right back to them though! HAHAHA. I don't like to see food wasted. So if it's not too slobbery already I will pick it up and eat the "rejected" foods myself.
  7. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    It's been better this week. I'm trying to ignore it. We haven't had much food throwing until the end of the meal.
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Yay! :yahoo: I hope it continues to improve. :D
  9. punks

    punks New Member

    i ask the boys to "please do not throw food" if they throw one more piece of food then..
    I do the opposite! take the child away from the food. time out. they are, after all only throwing he food because it gets them attention! time out means no attention.

    if they do it again... time out.

    i had to time out the boys 6 or 7 times each for 3 or so meals and they started to get the hang.

    also, try sitting with your DS at meal times and divert his attention away from throwing, talk to him, distract him. :)
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