Three naps at 15 months?!?!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bridgeport, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    The boys generally take two naps a day now, but there are still days that they can't get through without a third nap. Today, they went down for their regular naps at 9 and 1. Sometimes we can do these naps a little later, but most days they're rubbing eyes and yawning by 9 and 1. Then at about 4 today, they were yawning and getting cranky and I said to them, sarcastically, do you guys need another nap?! They looked at me, turned around, and went straight to their room (where they only sleep...their toys are in another room). So I said, well, if that's what you want, and put them in their cribs....they only slept for maybe 20 minutes, but they were much happier when they got up.

    I just can't believe that some days they need three naps at 15 months!! I'm sure it's because their other naps aren't long enough. We always leave them in their cribs for at least an hour, but most days they only actually sleep for 45 minutes and then just play in their cribs until we get them. Every now and then they'll fall back asleep after their 45 minute wake-up, but it's rare and it doesn't usually add more than half an hour anyway.

    FWIW, they're great 12-13 hour sleepers at night. They are always asleep by 7 (sometimes as early as 6:15 if they're really tired and cranky), and they always sleep all night until 7 or 7:30.

    Any ideas how we can get them to get two longer naps, so they don't need a third? Or any other ideas about what could be going on? I've looked at HSHHC on this issue, and all it really says is they shouldn't take three naps anymore....but what do you do if they seem to need them?!
  2. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    My first thought is maybe to try one nap.....which probably sounds crazy to go from 3 to 1, lol. But when mine stopped taking 2 long naps for over a month was when we switched to 1 nap. It started at 10/11am and an early bedtime but over the course of a month or so it got moved to 1pm. They were back to 2+hr nap.
  3. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(excitedk @ Apr 5 2008, 09:40 PM) [snapback]707264[/snapback]
    My first thought is maybe to try one nap.....which probably sounds crazy to go from 3 to 1, lol. But when mine stopped taking 2 long naps for over a month was when we switched to 1 nap. It started at 10/11am and an early bedtime but over the course of a month or so it got moved to 1pm. They were back to 2+hr nap.

    Thanks for the suggestion.....but they've never taken naps longer than 45 minutes (except an occasional day here or there). So it's not like their naps have gotten shorter, and too short naps is a problem we've always had. But now that I know they shouldn't need a third nap, I guess I'm more motivated to try to fix it (if it's fixable). So given that, do you still think one nap? Any other ideas anyone?
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to say that I'm also in the land of confusion right now (except that my kids need 2-3 naps and I can't get them to take enough anymore, and they are desperately tired). I also have short nappers. Most of their naps are 45 min, though they'll toss out a longer one now and then. I think that's why we've stayed with so many naps for so long.

    Anyway, present chaos notwithstanding, I think some babies just NEED more naps a day than others. There's certainly nothing wrong with them getting 3 naps if that's what they seem to need! I've never had luck going from more shorter to fewer but longer naps. Whenever I've tried to cut a nap, they just take fewer short naps and are miserable.

    I hope someone can give some good advice!
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Apr 7 2008, 05:11 AM) [snapback]708622[/snapback]
    I hope someone can give some good advice!

    Ouch!!! I thought I did give good advice LOL!! I REALLY think if you set a time, say 1-3pm, that you will not go in they WILL get the message. Now it may take longer than with nighttime sleep because naptime is more fickle, but they will get it. But hey, if what you are doing now works for you don't listen ;)
  6. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Oh Kristi, you know I LIVE to dis you! ;) Sorry, I didn't mean it that way! :drinks:
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    LOL :friends:
    I think you can either go with ride out this phase (but the fact that most babies that age are on 1-2 naps makes me think otherwise) or change the game plan.

    But hey, what do I know ;) but thats I all I got advice wise :pardon:
  8. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    Okay, Kristi, so let's say we go with your superb advice ;) and try one nap.....

    They're already grouchy and tired by 9am (yes, 1.5 hours after sleeping for 13 hours!), so please tell me that somehow that magically fades when they get on their new nap schedule. It's just hard to imagine that one longer nap the day before will help them stay awake longer the following morning, but maybe that's exactly what happens.

    As I've said countless times to DH, I have no idea what I'm doing here, so it's all just one big experiment!
  9. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BridgePort @ Apr 7 2008, 12:48 PM) [snapback]709597[/snapback]
    As I've said countless times to DH, I have no idea what I'm doing here, so it's all just one big experiment!

    Ain't that the truth!!!! That is why I wouldn't spout my so called (superb ;) ) advice unless most the data supports it.

    When we switched to one nap ds was still VERY tired by 10am, so that was when we did the one nap for a few days (about 2-3 days) then moved it to 11:30am (and he was VERY ready for the nap by that time) for about 1-2 weeks, then moved it to noon for about 1-2 weeks then about 1 month later it was at 1pm. It was a struggle to make it to 1pm for a while too, but I knew I should stay consistent as kids thrive on consistency. By 3 months later it was no big deal and working perfect.
    I also moved up bedtime for those first 1-2 weeks, as they were more tired. I also set a rule of not going in for 2hrs, it didn't take long for them to learn to either play or sleep, but crying was not really worth it :eek:

    In the end they now sleep about 1hr later in the morning, which I LOVE!!!!
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'm not sure what the answer is, but since the 3rd little "power nap" isn't affecting bed time, I'm not sure you need to get rid of it/them.

    I think that kids will get the sleep they need. I think the one nap that Kristi is talking about is a possible solution, but you know your kids the best and whether that will realistically work. It might be worth the experiment - but I, personally, think it's a big jump from 3 to 1. Mine wouldn't have been ready, but it might be worth a shot.
  11. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    I'm not the mom here and definitely not an expert, but this nana has kept her twin grandsons since they were born. The boys started out with three naps during the day. The older they got - they began their own schedule of two naps and just occasionally needed a third. When they were taking two naps they were getting shorter and shorter in duration. They go to bed around 6:30-7 p.m. and sleep until 6 the next morning. Their first nap was at 9 and short - my reasoning for dropping this one was if they had just slept nearly 12 hours they weren't quite as tired a 9 so that's why they didn't sleep so long - then they wanted to nap somewhere between 12 or as late as 2. They started rubbing their eyes around 9 so at 9 I started playing with them, giving them a morning snack and basically keeping them awake. I moved their lunchtime up to 10:30 - 11:00 and at 11:30 put them down for a nap which they willingly and thankfully wanted. Since they had a full tummy and no morning nap - they sleep from 11:30-2 p.m. a full 2 1/2 hours. As soon as they get up they get a snack and we go out for two hours of play time. By the time their mom gets home at 5 they are ready to eat, play and be bathed and are in a good mood for mommy. They are then easy for her to get down that evening. I'd much rather have that one 2 1/2 hours compared to two 30-40 minute naps. So we did exactly the thing that Kristi recommended - we went from 2/3 naps to one and it made a big difference and the boys have been much happier and easier to handle.
  12. clkafka

    clkafka Well-Known Member

    Well I am not an expert but my older ds was also a short napper. First, they may only need 45 min naps OR they are waking after a sleep cycle and should and could go longer. I have a few suggestions:

    1. If they wake up happy and are not cranky then just let them sleep when they sleep. Their 3 short naps may be what they need, but it is not as ideal for you so you can work to change it.

    2. You could try to keep them up a little longer in the morning. For example instead of 9am, try to play, etc and then put them down around 10. Then their 2nd nap will naturally be later as well and they should be tired again at bedtime. That would be how you would transition to 1 nap as well, but you may want to try first with 2 naps. Most babies go down to 1 nap around 18 months, so you would only have a few months of 2 naps and then it should be easy to transition to 1 nap just like Kristi and others said (pushing back nap and up bedtime).

    3. Some babies don't do well if you keep them up when they are tired. So if you still put them down at 9am and you are sure they are waking without completing a sleep cycle, you could go to their room just before you anticipate them waking. When they start to stir, but not awake yet, do whatever you can to get them to sleep longer (rub backs, rock, whatever you think would work). I was still nursing my ds at the time so I nursed him back to sleep. I was terrified he would get used to that and never sleep a long nap and want to nurse in the middle of his naps, but I did that for about 4 days and then he started to sleep longer on his own.

    For me it was like as soon as I got it down to a routine, ds changed the game on me. It was not until he was 18 months and taking one consistent long nap that things were easier. But you are right, it is just one big experiment! Good Luck! Don't stress though, if they are getting the sleep they need, are happy, and you are okay with it then don't worry about "they should be taking 2 or 1 or whatever number of naps by that age".
  13. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone! I do agree with the sentiment that, if they're healthy and happy, don't stress....they're doing what they need to do......BUT I'm also right there with PP's comment about it being inconvenient to us! We can't really go anywhere because it seems like it's always almost naptime, and we can't get anything done around the house either. So I think we'll give a try transitioning to one nap and see how it goes for a couple weeks. If they're miserable and just don't seem ready, then we'll go ahead and go back to what works for them, even if it means no time for us. But if it does work, then yahoo!!!
  14. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    one way I pushed their nap later was by offering a small snack or a bit of juice - it seemed to raise their blood sugar enough to ward off the crankies and push it back a half hour at a time (my kids were ALWAYS just one nappers but it started at 9:45 and now we're up to 12:30 after lunch!)

    I'd give them a small snack when they looked tired or got grumpy and play some more or put on a cartoon for a while - then naptime pushed to 10:30...then I started pushing it to 10:45 and give them an early lunch - and then naptime...then I pushed it to 11:30 for lunch and 12 for nap and now they get lunch at 11:45 and go down at 12:30 and sleep generally for about 2ish hours...
  15. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    If they seem happy with that schedule I wouldn't change it. If the 3rd nap is up in the air, then isn't it ok to go out and let them sleep in the car/stroller if they need to?

    That is so cute them walking to their room.. I can't imagine my 28 month olds every doing that, they are such sleep fighter, though I usually do manage to get 1 nap out of them still.
  16. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(stacyann_1 @ Apr 8 2008, 06:54 PM) [snapback]712745[/snapback]
    If they seem happy with that schedule I wouldn't change it. If the 3rd nap is up in the air, then isn't it ok to go out and let them sleep in the car/stroller if they need to?

    That is so cute them walking to their room.. I can't imagine my 28 month olds every doing that, they are such sleep fighter, though I usually do manage to get 1 nap out of them still.

    Thanks! They actually get so excited about seeing where we're going in the car or stroller that they fight sleep there more than their cribs. It's fun to see them so interested in their surroundings, but I still miss the days when I could count on them to fall asleep as soon as we started rolling!

    And, yes, it was hilarious when they went to their room when I asked about naptime. I hope it stays that easy to get them in there (yeah, right!). I still don't know if it was because they really wanted a nap, or if it's just that they recognize when I say the word naptime, it means we're going to their room. They do that with lots of things, and I wonder if it's just triggered by the association, rather than their desire to do whatever I say (either way, they're not fighting me on it!). I say the word eat and they stop what they're doing and go to their chairs, I say the word diaper and they go to their changing table, I say the word bath and they go to the bathroom, I say the words car or walk and they go to the gate at the top of the stairs and look at the door, and I say the words pajamas and apparently naptime they go to their room!
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